Friday , 26 July 2024

Is This the Beginning of the Expected Stock Market Crash? (+2K Views)

For months now numerous articles have been written maintaining that a major stock market correction – or outright collapse – was in the cards. Take a look at what they have had to say – all of which seems to support what is happening in the marketplace at this very moment.

By Lorimer Wilson, editor of (Your Key to Making Money!), and the FREE Market Intelligence Report newsletter (register here; sample here)

1. “Black Swan” Event Not Necessary to Cause Major Stock Market Decline! Here’s Why

Nobody should be surprised when the next bear market in U.S. equities turns out to be of historic proportions – but, of course, almost everyone will be. Read More »

2. What Does Slowdown In Ocean Shipping Mean for Global Economy & U.S. Equity Markets?

The current Baltic Dry Index (BDI) is warning that a global slowdown in importing/exporting is upon us that signals that the global economy could once again be slowing and that caution is warranted on U.S. equity markets. Let us explain. Read More »

3. New Hindenburg Omen Suggests Stock Market Crash Coming Within 4 Months!

If we have an official Hindenburg Omen then a critical set of market conditions necessary for a stock market crash exists – and such occurred on Dec.2nd. We now have a much higher-than-random probability of a stock market crash, or at the very least a significant decline, starting sometime over the next four months. Read More »

4. Confirmed Hindenburg Omen Says 23.5% Probability of -15%+ Stock Market Crash; 61.7% Chance of +5% Decline

No stock market crash (a decline greater than 15%) has occurred over the past 30 years without the presence of a Hindenburg Omen except on one occasion (the mini-crash of July/August 2011). As such, without an official confirmed Hindenburg Omen, we are pretty safe from experiencing a major stock market correction. On the other hand, if we have an official Hindenburg Omen, then a critical set of market conditions necessary for a stock market crash exists. As of September 19th, 2014, we have such a condition in the market… Read More »

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5. Don’t Ignore This Indicator Of Coming Stock Market Crash/Correction in 2015

Even though the fact that we are in the midst of an absolutely insane financial bubble should be glaringly obvious to anyone with half a brain, the above referred to skeptics have convinced themselves that the current state of affairs can persist indefinitely. Sadly, it looks like what is about to hit us in 2015 is going to serve as a very rude wake up call for them and for the millions of other Americans that currently have their heads in the sand. Read More »

6. S&P 500 Will Top Out Before End Of Year! Here’s Why

It’s hard to see the current spike in equities as anything other than a blow-off move into a final top. It’s the only description for what the equity markets are doing. Let me explain further. Read More »

7. Bursting of S&P 500 Bubble Fast Approaching! Here’s Proof

Huge growth patterns in markets — more commonly known as “bubbles” — have a remarkable timing signature common to every single one of them – they all have lasted 64 or 65 months from initial growth to blow-off top. Read More »

8. “Is the Stock Market Sitting On A Trap Door?” These 2 Indicators Say “Yes”

The Russell 3000, a broad equity index representing 98% of the investable U.S. stock market, is up 9.3% for 2014 on a total-return basis…[but] the median total return for Russell 3000 constituents is just 1.5% reflecting the fact that small- and mid-cap stocks are under-performing… This current alarming deterioration in breadth, a term that refers to how much of the market is participating in the advance, begs the question: “Is the stock market sitting on a trap door?” This article looks at 2 trap door indicators that suggest that that might, indeed, be the case. Read More »

9. Take Note Because Those Investors Who Ignore These Observations Do So At Their Great Peril

Is a major top at hand? It is often said that bells do not ring to signal the end of a bull market but if the broad averages were in fact to plummet in the weeks ahead, never forget that bells did indeed ring. This article contains the opinions of three heavyweights in the guru world which are so insightful that any investors who ignore their observations do so at their great peril. Read More »

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10. Financial Asset Values Hang In Mid-air Like Wile E. Coyote – Here’s Why

The financial markets are drastically over-capitalizing earnings and over-valuing all asset classes so, as the Fed and its central bank confederates around the world increasingly run out of excuses for extending the radical monetary experiments of the present era, even the gamblers will come to recognize who is really the Wile E Coyote in the piece. Then they will panic. Read More »

11. Look Out Below? Buffett Market Indicator Has Now Surpassed 2007 Level

Market Cap to GDP is a long-term valuation indicator that has become popular in recent years, thanks to Warren Buffett and it is now at the second highest level in the past 60 years – even surpassing the levels reached in 2007. Read More »

12. World’s Stock Markets Are Saying “Let’s Get Ready to Tumble!”

To ignore all the compelling charts and data below would be irresponsible and, as such, will NOT go unnoticed by institutional investors. Such bearish barometers for stocks worldwide will, unfortunately, be ignored by the ignorant and gullible hoi pollo causing them severe financial loss as investor complacency in the past has nearly always led to a stock market crash. Read More »

13. Stock Market Bubble to “POP” and Cause Global Depression

In their infinite wisdom the Fed thinks they have rescued the economy by inflating asset prices and creating a so called “wealth affect”. In reality they have created the conditions for the next Great Depression and now it’s just a matter of time…[until] the forces of regression collapse this parabolic structure. When they do it will drag the global economy into the next depression. Let me explain further. Read More »

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14. It’s Just A Matter Of Time Before the Stock Market Bubble Is Pricked! Here’s Why

Once again the stock market is in full bubble mode. The market was already overvalued earlier this year and the froth continues to build. Valuations are off the chart and euphoria is setting in while, at the same time, you have inflation eroding the purchasing power of regular Americans not participating in this casino. All the signs of a bubble top are there – massive speculation, unexplainable valuations, and blind optimism – even though the fundamentals don’t make any sense. This article substantiates that contention. Read More »

15. Coming Stock Market Enema Will Be A VERY Messy Occasion!

Who knows how long before the Dow Jones Index finally receives a well overdue market enema, but I can assure you of this, when it arrives it will be a VERY messy occasion! Read More »

16. History Says “Expect An Economic Crash AGAIN In 2015″ – Here’s Why

Large numbers of people believe that an economic crash is coming next year based on a 7-year cycle of economic crashes that goes all the way back to the Great Depression. Such a premise is very controversial – some of you will love it, and some of you will think that it is utter rubbish – so I just present the bare bone facts below for you decide for yourself if it is something to seriously consider protecting yourself from in 2015. Read More »

17. Collapse of S&P 500 May Be Only Weeks Ahead! Here’s Why

When Staple sector (i.e. defensive) stocks started to reflect greater relative strength than Discretionary sector stocks back in 2000 and again in 2007, the S&P 500 began to fall dramatically in the ensuing months. That’s happening again. Can a collapse of the S&P 500 be far behind? Read More »

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18. A 20%+ Sell-off is Brewing In the Lofty U.S. Stock Markets – Here’s Why & What the Future Holds

For today’s seriously overextended and overvalued US stock markets the best-case scenario is a full-blown correction approaching 20% emerging soon while the worst case is a new cyclical bear market that ultimately leads to catastrophic 50% losses. Read More »

19. 2 Stock Market Indicators Are Saying “Be careful, don’t get caught up in the euphoria”

In the midst of all the optimism we see towards key stock indices these days, there are two leading indicators that are flashing warning signals. They say, “Be careful, and don’t get caught up in the euphoria.” Read More »

20. Beginnings of Massive Stock Market Correction Developing: Don’t Delay, Prepare Today!

No stock can resist gravity forever. What goes up must eventually come down. This is especially true for stock prices that become grotesquely distorted. We have been – and still are – living in another dotcom bubble, and – like the last one – it is inevitable that it is going to burst. Read More »

21. 3 Historically Proven Market Indicators Warn of an Impending Market Top

It’s frustrating to see key stock indices keep pushing higher when historically proven market indicators are all warning of a crash ahead. Irrationality is exuberant to say the very least, and that’s why I believe this rally is counting its last days. Read More »

22. The Stock Market Is a Risky Place to Be – Here’s Why

With both the fundamentals and the technicals saying the stock market is a risky place to be, we await its crash back to reality. Here’s why. Read More »

23. There IS Danger Ahead for the Markets – Really! Here’s Why

We fail to pay attention to the warnings signs as long as we see no immediate danger and keep our foot pressed to the accelerator believing that since it hasn’t happened yet, it won’t. This time is only “different” from the perspective of the “why” and “when” the next major event occurs. Below are analyses and exhibits to support that contention. Read More »

24. We’re on the Precipice of a 50% Drop in the U. S. Stock Market! Here’s Why

Warren Buffett’s favorite indicator – the ratio of the value of U.S. stocks to GDP – is seen by him as a reliable gauge of where the market stands and these days it suggests that all the main indexes are pointing to an imminent 50% crash. Read More »

25. The NASDAQ is In a Bubble – Definitely! Here’s Why

Investors generally assign higher multiples to many Nasdaq firms, as they expect significant future growth, but if volatility ensues and growth, which is already priced in, isn’t realized by these firms a violent reaction to broken promises will ensue just as happened in 2000. For that matter there are a number of similarities between the current level of the Nasdaq index and back then that strongly suggest that the bubble is here. Let me explain why I believe that is the case. Read More »

26. End of “Wall Street Party” Will Be a Catastrophe! Here’s Why

The markets are considerably, fantastically overbought and that whatever happens after this “Wall Street Party” is going to be a sort of catastrophe. Here’s why. Read More »

27. These Indicators Suggest Stock Market Returns Are “Too Good To Be True”

Current macro conditions indicate that we are in a sweet spot for equity returns…that global growth is continuing and there is little or no tail risk in the immediate future. It’s time to get long equities…but I have this nagging feeling that these market conditions are too good to be true. If you look, there are a number of technical and fundamental clouds on the horizon. Read More »

28. Bookmark This Article: The Stock Market Will Crash Within 6 Months!

Until recently, I have not used the term “stock market crash”. I do not take using this term lightly. It brings with it major repercussions. I am now breaking out this phrase because of the current state of the stock market. This stock market crash will occur within the next six months from today… The markets will fall within a combined day/few days a total of at least 20%. Bookmark this article. Read More »

29. The Best Stock Market Indicator – Ever

Below is a description of what I believe to be the best stock market indicator – ever. I am referring to the percentage of S&P 100 stocks above their 200 DMA which gives traders a clear early warning signal of impending serious market downturns and later safe re-entry points. Read More »

30. This Weekend’s Financial Entertainment: “A Stock Market Crash IS Coming!”

Our financial system is in far worse shape than it was just prior to the financial crash of 2008. The truth is that we are right on schedule for the next great financial crash. You can choose to ignore the warnings if you would like but, ultimately, time will reveal who was right and who was wrong and, unfortunately, I think I will be proven to have been right. Read More »

31. SELL! U.S. Stock Market Is An Investor’s Nightmare – Here’s Why

The stock market is presently a roulette wheel with dimes on black and dynamite on red. We continue to have extreme concerns about the extent of potential market losses over the completion of the present market cycle. Read More »

32. These 6 Indicators Reveal A Great Deal About Market’s “Upside” Potential

Trying to predict markets more than a couple of days into the future is nothing more than a “wild ass guess” at best but, that being said, we can make some reasonable assumptions about potential outcomes based on our extensive analysis of these 6 specific price trend and momentum indicators. Read More »

33. All’s Well That Ends Well BUT It Won’t End Well This Time!

Since 2008 stocks have risen dramatically throughout every stage of quantitative easing but, when the various phases of quantitative easing have ended, stocks have always responded by declining substantially…only to eventually start rising again was a new round of quantitative easing. So what will happen this time? Read More »

34. I Love – Absolutely Love – This Bull Stock Market! Yeah, Sure!

I have seen the light. I have seen the error of my ways. At long last, I understand. This stock market is a great investment. Stocks are just going to keep going up and up and up and up. Anyone who doesn’t buy now is a fool. I have learned to love the bull market. Yeah, sure! Read More »

35. Take Note: A Bubble Isn’t Necessary To Have A Sharp Decline In Stocks

With valuations stretched, investors seem to be justifying their stock purchases here with the argument that we have yet to reach the mania of 1999-2000 but history has shown us that there doesn’t have to be a bubble for there to be a sharp decline in stocks. As we saw in 2007, it doesn’t mean there is no risk of a significant market decline or that valuations are compelling and that investors should be expecting above average long-term returns from here. They should not. Read More »

36. Harry Dent: Get Into Cash – Stock Market Will Crash to 5,500-6,000 By 2017!

You have to get out of stocks. Stocks have bubbled again and when they go down they’re going to go down hard. Read More »

37. All Is NOT Hunky Dory In the Stock Market – Here’s Why

We look at this market and we see “too much.” Too much divergence, too much complacency, too much embedded downside risk…the list goes on and covers many things. Let’s make the rounds and see what we find [and what it means for the immediate well-being of the various stock markets.] Read More »

38. Market Significantly Overvalued. It is Not A Question Of “IF” but “When” It Will Happen!

This is not going to end well, I tell you. The stock market is significantly overvalued at 123%. The question is: “When will it happen?” I think it happens soon. Read More »

39. Bradley Model Suggests Major Turning Point In Stock Market Is Imminent

Back in the 1940s Donald Bradley developed a means to forecast the stock market using the movement of the planets which, according to the noted technical analyst William Eng in his book Technical Analysis of Stocks, Options, and Futures, is the only ‘excellent’ Timing Indicator. Below are current Bradley timing model charts indicating a major turning point in the stock markets is imminent. Read More »

40. Its Time to Stop Trying to Time the Market & Start Playing the Percentages – Here’s Why

Remember the game Musical Chairs? It seems that investors on Wall Street have been playing this game recently, as more and more we are seeing signs that the current bull market may be reaching its final stages. Each new sign that appears represents just one more chair being taken away from the game. The question investors need to ask is “where will I be when the music stops”? Read More »

41. Cycle Analysis Suggests S&P 500 Has Topped & Will Decline To Major Low In 2016

While the majority is looking at the Megaphone Pattern correction since the 2000 high and is expecting the market to go back to the lower trend line of this pattern and to make new lows, I think that it will not happen. The opinion of the majority can be used as a contrarian indicator. I think that a healthy correction in this new Secular Bull Market could push the Dow Jones to 12500-13500 (end of 2015 – half 2016) followed by a second leg up of this new Secular Bull Market. Read More »

42. Next Bear Market Shaping Up To Be Quite the Storm – Here’s Why

The U.S. stock market has been closing at one record high after another but, despite the seemingly unending investor optimism more than five years into the current bull market, some worrisome issues are continuing to build under the surface. Like all past bull markets, the latest episode will eventually come to an end and a new bear market will begin and it has the potential to be even worse than the two previous downturns since the start of the new millennium… Read More »

43. Today’s Shiller PE Suggests the Stock Market Is Overvalued By 60%!

We estimate that a ‘fair price’ for the market is a Shiller PE of around 16. With the market at close to a Shiller PE of 26, the market is overvalued by about 60%. Now is not a historically good time to initiate a position in the S&P500. Read More »

44. Fearful In This Market? If Not, You Should Be!

As Warren Buffett is famous for saying “…be fearful when others are greedy and greedy when others are fearful” and now is such a time. The crowd can be right for a long time, but they are rarely right at extremes and, while this time may be different, the probabilities suggest that at the very least it will be a more difficult environment for equities going forward. Read More »

45. Make No Mistake – A Major Stock Sell-off Looms! Here Are 4 Ominous Signs

The 4 fundamentals and technicals discussed in this article accurately called stock market crashes in 2000 and 2007 and these same market metrics are again TODAY warning that a possible financial tsunami is brewing on the horizon. No one knows for certain WHEN the tsunami will hit Wall Street…but, without question, today’s stocks exhibit extremely exaggerated valuations, and extremes never last, so make no mistake, a major stock sell-off looms. Read More »

46. EXPECT & PLAN For A Major Stock Market Correction In the Coming Weeks/Months – Here’s Why & How

The S&P 500 is now up over 180% since troughing in March 2009 and it has been almost 3 years since the stock market experienced a 10% correction. Historically, market corrections happen approximately every 2 years on average. [As such,] we think that this rally is getting very long in the tooth and we wouldn’t be surprised if we have a healthy pullback in the coming weeks or months. Read More »

47. These Indicators Should Scare the Hell Out of Anyone With A Stock Portfolio

For US stocks — and by implication most other equity markets — the danger signals are piling up to the point where a case can be made that the end is, at last, near. Take a look at these examples of indicators that should scare the hell out of anyone with a big stock portfolio. Read More »

48. This Is One “Crazy, Nastyass” Stock Market! Here’s Why

You can call this current stock market a blowoff or call it a Wile E. Coyote moment or call it a divergence or call it a disconnect or call it a lapse of judgement. You can call it whatever you want but I call it the “Honey Badger” market because this is one “crazy, nastyass” stock market – and I can’t believe I’m watching it happen all over again. Read More »

49. Is Now the Calm Before the Storm?

I’d argue that the record low volume shows investors aren’t looking ahead as much as looking behind and reminiscing at how good things have been over the past five years or so. They’re expecting more of the same even though it’s mathematically impossible people. Read More »

50. Collapse of S&P 500 May Be Only Weeks Ahead! Here’s Why

When Staple sector (i.e. defensive) stocks started to reflect greater relative strength than Discretionary sector stocks back in 2000 and again in 2007, the S&P 500 began to fall dramatically in the ensuing months. That’s happening again. Can a collapse of the S&P 500 be far behind? Read More »

51. Extreme Greed By the Crowd Suggests You Show Some Fear! Here’s Why

Greed may have been good for Gordon Gekko. but in the investment world it rarely is. As Warren Buffett is famous for saying “…be fearful when others are greedy and greedy when others are fearful” [and now is such a time]…to start showing some level of fear here in the face of extreme greed by the crowd. The crowd can be right for a long time, but they are rarely right at extremes. While this time may be different, the probabilities suggest that at the very least it will be a more difficult environment for equities going forward. Read More »

52. There’s Evidence – Plenty of It – That the Bear Is No Longer Hibernating. Here’s Why

The health of a market is best assessed along three vectors: fundamentals, technicals (price action) and sentiment and this is what each is saying about the health of the markets these days. Read More »

53. 2 Stock Market Indicators Are Saying “Be careful, don’t get caught up in the euphoria”

In the midst of all the optimism we see towards key stock indices these days, there are two leading indicators that are flashing warning signals. They say, “Be careful, and don’t get caught up in the euphoria.” Read More »

54. Are Stock Market & U.S. Dollar About to Crash? Will Gold Be the Major Benefactor?

Something is clearly out of whack. Gold has failed to push higher against the backdrop of a lower U.S. dollar for the first time in over a decade and, with pressure on the dollar increasing, the failure of support could ignite a massive decline. Is gold preparing to launch this time? Read More »

55. This Site Reveals the Performance of Financial Pundits – How Well Has Your Guy Done?

Recently I discovered a website which tracks pundits in finance (and politics and sports). Check it out to see how many of the calls and predictions of your favorite prognosticators have turned out to be true. You’ll be surprised and, no doubt, disappointed! Read More »