Tuesday , 22 October 2024

Lorimer Wilson

Dump Dollars and Buy Gold – Here’s Why

2024-09-06 World Gold Council Updates

If you are holding U.S. dollars in a savings account, CD or money-market fund, you are slowly losing what you have saved or inherited and within a few short years you could lose the bulk of what is remaining. It is being done in such a way that most people don't notice. The hidden tax of inflation has been robbing you for quite some time and the pace and severity of this theft is increasing rapidly. If I sound alarmist, it is with intention.

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What the Rising Dollar Price of Gold Really Means

A soaring gold price is a vote of "no confidence" in the central bank and the dollar [and]... reflect a growing restlessness with the increasing money supply, our budgetary and trade deficits, our unfunded liabilities, and the inability of Congress and the administration to reign in runaway spending. Words: 1911

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Timeless: Gold & Silver Are A Pair of Aces for a Winning Hand!

“Every portfolio should have a 10% core holding of gold and silver as emergency money” was the simple and timeless message in Glen O. Kirsch conveyed 33 years ago in an article entitled: “What’s in Your Core Holdings?” and such a message is even more appropriate today given the unsettling fiscal, economic and investment environment. Words: 692

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Silver Has A Lot More Room To Run!

Silver is undervalued as reflected by the current gold-silver ratio which sits at 86:1. The 20-year average is 68:1. Even though silver has outperformed gold year to date, by 28% to 23%, it still has a lot more room to run.

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Silver On Verge of Massive – Unprecedented – Bull Market

Silver is on the verge of commencing a massive unprecedented bull market which will “officially” kick off with it breaking above the key $30 level...and this could happen very soon. Gold’s massive unprecedented bull market has already begun and where gold leads, silver will follow.

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