Friday , 26 July 2024

Economic Overviews

The Economy Is In Decline: Here’s Proof

It is one thing to complain that the economy is not growing, or, that economic activity is slowing; but the 4 charts below indicate something more serious. Economic activity is in decline and the decline might be accelerating.

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5 Red Flags That Economic Collapse Is Imminent (+62K Views)

These 5 red flags will give you anywhere from a few days to a few months of warning that things are about to change drastically...and well before those around you grasp the full extent of what is going on. This is hopefully a scenario that never happens as this will truly be the end of the world as you knew it.

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Ukraine: A MAJOR Source Of World’s Natural Resources (+11K Views)

This article points out the MAJOR role the country has in industrial metals, agriculture and industry in Europe and the world. It begs the question: "To what extent would an invasion of Ukraine disrupt the world's supply and drive the stock prices of companies supplying these products dramatically higher?"

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The 5 Stages of Collapse: Financial, Commercial, Political, Social & Cultural – Where is the U.S. Now? (26K Views)

Having given a lot of thought to both the differences and the similarities between Russia and the U.S. - the one that has collapsed already, and the one that is collapsing as I write this - I feel define five stages of collapse to serve as mental milestones as we gauge our own collapse-preparedness and see what can be done to improve it. Words: 2500

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