Friday , 26 July 2024


Recessions: 8 Things You Need To Know

A recession is the scariest creature in the average investor's closet of anxieties...because they can mean lower home prices, lower stock prices and, of course, higher unemployment [but] if you're prepared for the next one, there will be plenty of opportunities when that downturn ends. [That being said,] the more you know about recessions, the better, so here are 8 must-know facts about them.

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The Official U.S. Unemployment Rate Is Bogus, A Sham, A Big Lie!

The unemployment statistics provided by the U.S. Government are bogus... The devil is in the detail and a lot of people don’t properly analyze the information they are being provided with. Here is that detail which explains how those stats have been manipulated downwards to show a supposed unemployment rate of 5.7% rather than the true rate of 11.3%. Yes, 11.3%!

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The Miserable State(s) of America & the World

The Misery Index is a lens through which to look at quality of life and, from an American perspective, such misery has risen steadily since 1994. How miserable is your state (and your state of being)? Take a look..

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Black Male Unemployment Situation In U.S. Is Dire! Here’s Why

In early October, the Center for Law and Social Policy (CLASP) released a report entitled “Feel the Heat!” that details the economic status of black men in the United States. Author Linda Harris discusses this group’s high unemployment rates, which she attributes to high incarceration rates, low graduation rates, and a lack of support systems to help black men out of this low-income trap.

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