Friday , 26 July 2024


Shift From U.S. Dollar As World Reserve Currency Underway (+93K Views)

Today, more than 60% of all foreign currency reserves in the world are in U.S. dollars - but there are big changes on the horizon...Some of the biggest economies on earth have been making agreements with each other to move away from using the U.S. dollar in international trade...[and this shift] is going to have massive implications for the U.S. economy. [Let me explain what is underway.] Words: 1583

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What Would USD Collapse Mean for the World? (+29K Views)

I came to the conclusion several years ago that it was just a matter of time before the world realized that the relative functionality of the U.S. dollar was about to go belly up - to collapse. Below is an explanation as to why I have come to that conclusion and what I think it would mean for the well-being of the world.

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The Developing Disaster Facing the U.S. Dollar & the World (+14K Views)

When the supply of something is increased sharply relative to demand, the value of that commodity will decline. If the supply continues to increase rapidly and indefinitely, then that item will become worth less and less, with the potential to finally become nearly worthless. This is the Developing Disaster facing the US Dollar and the world. This is the factor that could become the single most important criterion in investment allocation decisions and possibly even for individual financial survival.

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