Friday , 26 July 2024

Economic Overviews

Russia’s Economy & the Effect Of Sanctions On It

Russia's invasion of Ukraine is an effort by a relatively small country trying to use military action and threats, backed up by a nuclear arsenal, that can in no way compare in terms of resources to those it is threatening and, as such, the combined impacts of the imposed sanctions on its small economy will likely be significant and widely felt.

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Which Global Risks Are Posing Imminent Threats?

In the latest annual edition of the Global Risks Report by the World Economic Forum (WEF), it was found that a majority of global leaders feel worried or concerned about the outlook of the world, and only 3.7% feel optimistic. What global risks are leaders and experts most concerned about, and which ones are posing imminent threats? Let’s dive into the key findings from the report.

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Which Country Is More Corrupt: Canada or the U.S.?

Transparency International released its annual Corruption Perceptions Index for 2021 and it revealed that Canada now ranks #13 out of 180 countries, falling two places from last year, and the USA ranks even lower at #27. Which countries are perceived to be the least corrupt? Read on!

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Are You A “Social Democrat”? Here’s What The Term REALLY Means (4K Views)

There are many different types of economies - communism, socialism, capitalism and democratic socialism. We tend to use the terms concretely, which necessarily introduces inaccuracies and, as such, they serve as excuses not to think and to hold economic beliefs that discourage explorations of the mismatch between theory and practice. Do you know exactly how they differ? Read on.

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The Black Economics of Black America

The McKinsey Global Institute's report “The economic state of Black America: What is and what could be” identifies critical gaps Black Americans face in their roles as workers, business owners, savers and investors, consumers, and residents served by public programs.

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Economic “Truth” Is A Hollow Collection Of 5 Letters With No Meaning – Here’s Why (+3K Views)

The inmates have taken over the asylum. Our financiers, economists and bankers have set sail on a course straight into the Bermuda Triangle. That the ship will reach land some day is indisputable. That it will land badly is incontrovertible. The 99%, who seem to have adopted the Ostrich as their ‘National Bird’ would be well advised to ponder these matters to prepare for the consequences of our current economic policies.

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