Saturday , 29 March 2025

Asset Allocation

The Ins & Outs Of Having TIPS And/Or TIPS ETFs In Your Portfolio

Inflation expectations have been on the rise since before the U.S. election, but markets are now more convinced of higher inflation to come due to President-elect Trump’s talk of fiscal stimulus and tax cuts. Measured by break-evens in the Treasury Inflation Protected Securities (TIPS) market, inflation expectations for the next 10 years rose to 1.93%, the highest level since the summer of 2015. The long decline in inflation seems to be turning, as the CPI climbed 1.6% year-over-year, the most in two years. This changing environment has piqued investor interest in TIPS, and in turn, TIPS ETFs.

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Your Portfolio: What IS & IS NOT Effective Diversification

Investors are paying more and more attention to how certain strategies, asset classes or investments perform over shorter and shorter time frames, constantly looking for the best or worst performing sector/smart beta style/ETF/hedge fund/portfolio strategy during the latest two day or even two month sell-off or rebound. That’s not how you build a long-lasting portfolio. This article discusses some of the misconceptions about diversification.

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