Friday , 26 July 2024


Egon von Greyerz: Gold & Silver Off to the Races – to $4,500+ & $100+ Each – Here’s Why (+3K Views)

The closing of the gold window back in August 1971 has led governments worldwide to create endless amounts of worthless paper money and the resulting credit bubble has created a world debt exposure of over US$ 1 quadrillion (including derivatives). It has also created perceived wealth for big parts of the world's population - a wealth which is only backed by promises to pay and by grossly inflated assets. Few people realise that this wealth is totally illusory and will implode considerably faster than the time it took to create it. [Let me explain.] Words: 890

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Gold’s Long-term Bull Market Is Intact With Prices Expected to Surge – Here’s Why (+2K Views)

Gold prices have been trending higher in the last twelve years and might continue to do so over the next decade. This article is in defense of current gold prices from a money creation perspective. Further, this article completely rules out a bubble in gold. Hence, the expectation is that the long-term bull market for gold is intact and gold will surge higher over the next decade. Words: 914

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Will Gold Top $1,800 This Week? Here Are 4 Reasons Why It Could

Gold flirted with an 11-month high early Friday, only to retreat after a strikingly positive jobs report. With gold up over 12% over the past three months, investor focus is returning to the shiny metal. Below are four reasons gold could break through the psychological $1800/oz. barrier this week. Words: 347

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Why Is There Such An Interest In Gold?

Is gold a commodity or currency? How does it behave as an investment? What are the fundamentals of investing in gold? What are the different ways investors can get exposure to gold in their portfolios? The answers to these questions and many others are answered in this latest infographic from Visual Capitalist.

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Marc Faber Bearish On ALL Asset Classes (Including Gold)!

I consider Dr. Marc Faber [to be] one of the best and well read economists in the world....[A] historical analysis of Dr. Faber's views...[shows] that he has been spot on most of the time, not exactly always on the timing, but surely on the trend of asset classes and the economy and, currently, he is bearish on almost ALL asset classes, including gold, [and I agree. Below are my reasons for being bearish in the near term.] Words: 880

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Save Time! Access Today's BEST Financial Articles Here

Busy? Overwhelmed by the number of articles available every day? Only have a few minutes to read articles of interest? No problem! You can now go to (A site for sore eyes and inquisitive minds) where you will find introductory paragraphs to today's most informative articles. Here's a sample of what you have been missing.

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