Friday , 26 July 2024


Here are Some Good Reasons to Consider Investing in China Again

With negative sentiment toward China reaching an extreme in recent months, patient investors have been rewarded with this week’s news of improving data from the Asian giant. [In fact, according to BCA] this appears to be a good time to be investing in China, as stocks are historically cheap. Words: 760

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Gold: The Top 10 Holders & Producers by Country– and 23 Investment Options (+3K Views)

Gold is one of the rarest metals in the world, and has a long history as a valuable and intensely sought-after element. The precious metal has served as the basis for physical currency for thousands of years, and many monetary systems throughout human history have utilized a gold standard that focused on the precious metal. Exploration and production of gold has become a major industry in regions that maintain significant deposits of the metal, and quests for gold have been the impetus of countless expeditions and discoveries. [Below are a list of the top 10 gold producing countries, the top 10 gold producing companies and a definitive guide as to the multiple options of investing in the metal.]

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The Straight Goods on Strait Minerals (2K Views)

I had the pleasure today of attending a presentation on Strait Minerals (formerly Strait Gold) which is listed on the TSXV under the symbol SRD. Strait Minerals is a mineral exploration company (copper, gold, silver, moly) with 4 properties in Peru. Below is a copy of said presentation - the straight goods - on their plans for the development of each over the coming years and their financial situation and arrangements.

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The Top 10 Silver Producing Countries & Companies – and Investment Options (+7K Views)

Silver has been an important metal for thousands of years, often used as a medium of exchange or jewelry in ancient times....Today, silver still finds its way into jewelry and coins but it is now also a key ingredient in many ‘modern’ applications as well....Due to this multitude of uses the metal has continued to be a popular investable asset...[as well] as a store of value and an inflation hedge. Below are a list of the top 10 silver producing countries, the top 10 silver producing companies and a definitive guide as to the multiple options of investing in the metal. Words: 2091

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GOLD: The Currency Without a Printing Press

When it comes to investing in gold, investors often see the world in black and white. Some people have a deep, almost religious conviction that gold is a useless, barbarous relic with no yield and an asset no rational investor would ever want. Others love it, seeing it as the only asset that can offer protection from the coming financial catastrophe, which is always just around the corner. Our views are more nuanced and, we believe, provide a balanced framework for assessing value. Our bottom line: given current valuations and central bank policies, we see gold as a compelling inflation hedge and store of value that is potentially superior to fiat currencies. [Here are the details of our analyses.] Words: 1316

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Axel Merk: Six Reasons to Buy Gold Today

Price is determined by demand and supply and, going forward, demand for gold may continue to rise, while supply will remain constrained as it has since the beginning of time. With this backdrop, let’s explore some specific reasons investors may consider buying gold at today’s prices. Words: 1315

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My Case Against the Case Against The Case Against Gold (+2K Views)

All thing considered, it seems clear that the long-term real returns of gold have been poor (compared to stocks and bonds), and I see no reason to expect long-term price appreciation for gold to be above inflation. In fact, as with any non-income producing asset, it would be unreasonable to expect gold to provide significant positive real returns over an indefinite period of time...I would argue that buying gold is a short-term gamble that is completely dependent on the unpredictable vagaries of perception, market psychology and the "greater fool" theory...While it is true that gold can be a good short-term trade and offer superior returns over shorter periods (as has been the case in recent years) I believe that stocks will continue to substantially outperform gold over time. [Let me explain these less than popular conclusions further.] Words: 1258

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The Case Against the Case Against Gold

In all my years of writing about gold, I have rarely referenced specific gold bear articles or posts, but I found myself compelled to break with tradition after reading a recent piece from Zacks Investment Research called The Case Against Gold In Today's Market. My response below mainly focuses on noting how the gold bear arguments themselves demonstrate that gold is not nearly as different from other assets as the Zacks pieces suggests.

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Nickel: Demand Strong, Supply Diversified & Prices Stable

While best known for its use in the five cent coin, nickel has far more strategic uses. Nickel can be alloyed with other metals to create truly extraordinary materials - such as stainless steel which now accounts for more than half of all nickel consumed. China’s stainless steel consumption has increased 1625% in the last 10 years and is now the largest demand driver for nickel worldwide accounting for 40% of global totals. There’s still a lot more room for growth in the industry and nickel’s diversified supply is expected to keep prices stable, so the savvy investor should look for low cost nickel projects in safe jurisdictions. Check out the infographic below for more insights.

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October Will Be a Challenging Month for Investors for These 6 Reasons

October has a well-deserved reputation of being a volatile month for the market. Historically, it is the second-worst performing month after September, and it has had its share of market meltdowns (1929, 1987). I don't foresee anything that dramatic this October after the long rally. However, I think it is going to be a challenging month for investors for a variety of reasons. [Below are 10 reasons to be wary this October in particular.] Words: 498

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