Friday , 26 July 2024


Governments Are To "Blame" for Gold's Present High – and Future Much Higher – Price

Is gold still cheap? No, gold left bargain territory long ago [but] we remain bullish on gold, not because we think gold is still cheap, but because we expect it to get a lot more expensive. [Why?] Because the world's most important central banks and governments remain committed to a course that ends in catastrophe for their economies and currencies. [Let me explain further.] Words: 565

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James Turk: Gold Stocks Are Making History – Here's Why

We’re making history here. Gold stocks have never been this undervalued before. We’ve had a 12 year bull market in gold, but we’ve also had a 15 year bear market in the mining shares...It’s very rare in market history to see an outlier like this. This is an extraordinary event. Years from now we are going to look back and shake our heads in disbelief at how undervalued gold stocks were in 2012.

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Pento: Markets Will Fall Significantly This Summer – Here's Why

Investors are being told that the worsening sovereign debt crisis in Europe will leave the U.S. economy unscathed....[because,] since we don’t make many things to export to Europe, our GDP won’t suffer a significant decline at all.... What [has been] conveniently overlooked, [however'] is the fact that 40% of S&P 500 earnings are derived from foreign economies and the seventeen countries that make up the Eurozone have collapsed into recession. [Let me explain what effect that will have on the performance of the S&P 500 this summer.] Words: 325

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Charles Nenner: Dow to Peak in 2012 and Then Decline to 5,000! (+2K Views)

Charles Nenner has been accurately predicting movements in the liquid markets for more than 25 years, and his most recent cycle analysis predicts that the current stock market rally is going to last through Q2 and then begin a major descent in 2013 – with the Dow eventually reaching 5,000! Read on to learn how Nenner’s unique system works and what he forecasts for commodities, currencies, bonds, interest rates and more. Words: 400

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