Friday , 26 July 2024


What Could Dropping Consumer Debt Mean for the S&P 500?

In the third quarter 2007 the American consumer was way out of shape when it came to the percentage of debt payments to disposable income, hitting a 30-year high at 14%... Today the ratio is nearing 30-year lows! Could this be good news for the markets???

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S&P 500 “Beat Rate” Reports Suggest Bull Market May Be In Trouble

The latest earnings season stats coming from corporate America hardly inspire confidence and if they don’t improve, this bull market is in serious trouble. [That being said,] it’s still early and it’s not uncommon for the "beat rates" to improve as the earnings season unfolds. Nevertheless, the current readings are definitely a cause for concern.

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The 12 Most Spread Myths About Gold As An Investment

It would appear that the price of gold has fallen enough to qualify as a "bear market," and we've begun hearing about what a terrible investment gold is now… and throughout recorded history. Below are the 12 most commonly-spread myths about gold as an investment.

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Copper Waterfall Suggests Drop in S&P 500 is Coming – Here’s Why (+2K Views)

Dr. Copper, as it is affectionately known, has been a longstanding barometer of economic growth and historically has shown a high positive correlation to the S&P 500. However, over the past several quarters there has been an increasingly large disconnect between the performance of major indices and the price of copper. With copper hitting YTD lows it suggests that there is less demand and that growth is slowing down and this, in turn, forecasts lower levels for the S&P 500. Words: 420

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