Friday , 26 July 2024


Gold & Recessions: What You Need To Know

Ever wondered what happens to the gold market during a recession?  In this blog post, we are focusing on some of the commonly asked questions...about gold and recessions so you can understand more about this safe-haven investment in these economically turbulent times.

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You Should Seriously Consider Investing In Gold & Silver – Here’s Why

No doubt you have read that gold and silver are “real money” and safeguards against future economic collapse but beneath all the sensational headlines, what’s the real story? Should you invest in gold and silver or, are precious metals a good investment right now? Here are 12 compelling reasons to invest in gold and silver.

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Confucius Said: “Teach the People About GOLD!” 

We are now at the end of a major economic era and bubbles in many asset markets and commodities are typical for the end of a cycle. This is exactly what we have seen in this century with historical overvaluations of stock, bond, and property values.

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