Saturday , 27 July 2024


Gold Measurements: What Do the Terms “Karat” & “Troy” Ounce Actually Mean? (+62K Views)

You have no doubt read countless articles on the price of gold costing "x dollars per ounce", own a gold ring or some other piece of gold jewellery and/or wear or have bought/plan to buy a diamond ring but do you really understand exactly what you are buying? What's the difference between 1 troy ounce of gold and 1 (regular) ounce? What's the difference between 18 and 10 karat gold? What's the difference between a .75 and a 1.0 carat diamond? Let me explain. Words: 1102

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The Moses Generation & the Future of Gold (+11K Views)

I have come out of retirement for this one off, once only, speech to warn that the good ship “Life As We Know It” is sinking. You have the choice of getting into a life boat now or going down with the ship. The life boats consist of precious metals and other assets that will survive the coming currency destruction. [Let me explain.] Words: 1400

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If 1 + 1 still equals 2 then GOLD SHOULD EXPLODE! (+4K Views)

It really is that simple. Once you tune out the white noise of the main stream media, recognize Keynesian economics for the claptrap it is, and come to terms with the painful reality that policymakers and financial elites navigate the ship of state to their benefit, not yours, the basic truth of my contention that gold should explode will resonate with you. Words: 630

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