If you're like most people, you probably have a credit card and, if you're like most people, you also have some amount of credit card debt. Below, debt relief experts Creditfix have shared some of their top tips on how you can tackle your credit card debt more effectively.
Read More »STOP – – – cking Around! munKNEE.com Has the Most Informative Financial Articles (+7K Views)
There's no need to spend time searching the internet (i.e. clicking around) looking for articles worth reading. We do it for you and bring them to you each day via the "internet's most informative financial site" and in our bi-weekly newsletter. Check it out.
Read More »Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? Who Wouldn’t! Here’s How (+3K Views)
Here are some ways you can reach millionaire status but... it’s going to take some patience. Few things of value happen overnight.
Read More »Which Gold/Silver Bullion Assets are Permitted in Your IRA & Roth 401(k)? (+6K Views)
Some physical gold, silver, platinum and palladium bullion assets, in addition to traditional paper assets, can be part of your Individual Retirement Account (IRA) or Roth account and they can be bought and sold with no tax consequence until you move money out of the account. [This short article reveals just which bullion assets can, and cannot, be included.] Words: 573
Read More »Don’t Be Cheap – Be Frugal! 10 Ways to Do Just That! (+6K Views)
Frugality often gets a bad rap. Many people misunderstand frugality and assume that it's nothing more than being "cheap" when, in reality, frugality is making sure that you get the most from the money and resources you have, even if they are limited. [Here are 10 ways to do just that.] Words: 1132
Read More »How a Lawyer Can Help in Protecting Your Financial Assets
When it comes to protecting your financial assets, you need to have a team of professionals in your corner. This includes accountants, investment advisors, and, of course, lawyers. Here are just a few of the ways that a lawyer can help you with your finances.
Read More »Getting Married? Then Seriously Consider a Prenup
Divorce is emotionally charged and often involves many issues beyond just the financial settlement...[so] establishing boundaries for divorce may help prevent greater financial and emotional pain later...[and] a confidentiality agreement in conjunction with a premarital agreement may help prevent ongoing public arguments, accusations or bickering....Should you think about getting one?
Read More »These 10 College Majors Will Prepare You For A Lucrative Career
One way to increase your chances of earning a good living is to pick a college major that prepares you to work in a field that pays well. Check out our list of the best college majors for a lucrative career and see if something on our list appeals to you.
Read More »Recessions: It’s All About Weathering the Storm – Here’s How
Inflation is at a 40-year high, with gas prices hitting $5 a gallon and everyday purchases becoming more and more expensive. Interest rates are rising. The stock market is taking us on a rollercoaster ride right now, terrifying drops included. Crypto is crashing, too. Some economists are saying the U.S. could soon be in a recession, if it isn’t already. I’m not sure about you, but it’s making me a little anxious.
Read More »How Scammers Can Use Your Phone Number To Access Your Money
Can a bad guy use your phone number to access your money? Absolutely, so it’s extra-important to keep your phone number close to the chest.
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