Friday , 26 July 2024

Personal Finance

Avoid the “Toy Trap” – Being “Rich” Is A State of Mind (+2K Views)

Many a retiree, or near-retiree, has overspent on cars, boats, homes, and a surgically enhanced trophy wife or two. We also all have friends who’ve fallen into the "toy trap" of buying things they don’t need, with money they don’t have, to impress people they don’t particularly like, in the mistaken belief that “He who dies with the most toys wins.” That being said, is there room in 2016 for a return to financial modesty—room to reject the toy trap? I say yes! Here’s our 5-step guide to doing just that.

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6 Warning Signs You Should Fire Your Financial Advisor (+4K Views)

Investors should take a long hard look at their broker/financial advisor/planner and rethink what they expect of him/her while at the same time empowering themselves to take control of their own situations. This article identifies several warning signs that it may be time to cut ties with your current broker. Words: 721

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Countries With No U.S. Extradition Treaty & Other Ways To Escape the Grasp of Gov’t (+4K Views)

Suppose you were NSA whistle-blower Edward Snowden, or fictional international spy Jason Bourne, and the most powerful intelligence agencies on the planet were hunting you. Where would you go? A crucial factor in deciding where to go is whether or not the country has an extradition treaty with the U.S. This article presents a list of all such countries and less extreme ways to protect yourself from the untoward actions of your government. Words: 519

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