Friday , 26 July 2024

Personal Finance

The Financial Impact Of Living Longer (+2K Views)

People are living longer. The double-edged sword version is that people have a much longer time horizon to plan for financially, which could make things tricky for those who aren’t thoughtful about the potential ramifications.

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Bots, Chips, and Selfies: How Safe Are the New Ways to Pay?

From selfie-payments to Facebook Messenger bots, there is now a long list of unusual ways that you can pay the water bill or complete your grocery run for the week. But how safe are these new ways to pay? Let's take a closer look at how some of these new payment methods work, and what you can do to make them even safer.

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Alternative Investments: Are They For You?

Back in 2007, 65% of American adults reported investing in stocks yet in 2016, only 52% said they had money invested in equities so, where is all the money going? While there are no clear answers to this question, there are alternatives to the stock market which might be palatable to certain investors. We'll explore these asset classes and ways in which even average investors might take advantage of their opportunities.

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The Way Your Financial Advisor Gets Paid Could Harm Your Portfolio (+2K Views)

Just as it’s smart to question the doctor suggesting test after test for you at a facility he or she owns, it’s important to know how your financial advisor’s pay structure creates incentives that may harm or help your portfolio in the long run. Let's review the various ways there are for you to pay a financial advisor as well as the various ways a financial advisor can get compensated for how he/she "manages' your portfolio.

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