Friday , 26 July 2024


Continued M2 Contraction Could Devastate the Markets

The economy and stock market have been built on massive stimulus and liquidity from a rapidly expanding money supply. With M2 growth decelerating last month, the stock market looked in trouble. Now that it has become a contraction, the effect could be very profound.

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401(k)s: 10 Things You Need To Know

No matter how old you are, it's never too late to contribute more to your account and bolster your future retirement security. Here are 10 things you need to know about these retirement plans.

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What Are Gold IRAs? Which Companies Offer the Best?

As you look for ways to diversify your investments and hedge against inflation and economic uncertainty, there are several lesser-known (or at least lesser-utilized) strategies that are certainly worth your consideration. One of them is something called a gold IRA.

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Universal Basic Income: Common Myths Debunked

One of the proposed solutions to the unprecedented economic crisis that has gripped most of the globe in the last 2 years is a universal guaranteed basic income program - a “minimum living stipend” in which a person need not necessarily be unemployed to receive the benefit. There are those that say that such a program would be an unfair, complicated, and costly way to eliminate poverty but we challenge those assertions. 

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The 8 Best-selling Financial Books Of All Time

If you’re like most people, you’re always looking for ways to improve your financial literacy and, whether you’re trying to get a better understanding of personal finance or seeking strategies for growing your business, there’s no shortage of great financial books to choose from.

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The Pros and Cons of Retiring with a Gold IRA

For many of us, it makes tremendous sense to open a gold IRA account for retirement. This account has the ability to accrue massive value over decades as you work toward your retirement future. There’s never a perfect investment in this world and, in some cases, opening a gold IRA might not make sense for your personal wants and needs, but investing in gold is definitely close to ideal for everyone and this article presents the pros and cons of retiring with a gold IRA. 

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Reverse Mortgages: 20 Things You Need To Know

Get a large wad of cash! Never make a mortgage payment again! Stay in your home as long as you want! Sounds like a great deal, right? Well, for some older homeowners, a reverse mortgage can be.  For others, it's more perilous than promising. If you’re considering a reverse mortgage, there’s a lot you need to know before signing on the dotted line.  Here’s 10 things you need to know about reverse mortgages. 

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6 “Retirement Killers” To Avoid For A Stress-free Old Age

...According to the Employee Benefit Research Institute’s 2020 Retirement Confidence Survey, 61% of respondents said that preparing for retirement made them feel stressed. [If that is you then planning for retirement will be much easier if you avoid the following 6 "retirement killers".]

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