Friday , 26 July 2024


10 U.S. Cities With Great Weather for Retirees (+5K Views)

Everyone’s interpretation of ideal weather isn’t the same - some want to spend their golden years soaking up the sun, while others prefer a place where they can be near ski slopes. That said, if you’re looking for what most of us would consider pleasant weather—places with plenty of sunshine, low amounts of rain or snow, fewest days below 32 degrees or above 90 degrees and low humidity—these locales came to mind as 10 of the best places [in the U.S.] to retire if weather is your main concern. Words: 585

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Where Does Your Country Rank as "Best" in World to Live? (+5K Views)

Canadians are the second happiest group in the world, after Australia, according to the results of a new study in which citizens of 34 countries were able to rate their own country on the things that made them feel they were experiencing a happy life. Where do the United Kingdom and the United States rank themselves? Read on! Words: 517

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How to Thrive While Living on a Fixed Income in Retirement

…Living on a fixed income doesn’t necessarily relegate you to a life of scrimping and penny-pinching. Many retirees live on a fixed income of some kind, and it’s definitely possible to live well on a fixed income — the key is careful financial planning and budgeting. Create a Budget It all starts with getting a handle on your income and …

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The Top 10 Countries to Retire In – For Those on a Budget (+4K Views)

Rising costs in the U.S. are driving more people to consider retirement in less expensive locales and the list of potential resting spots is long and varied. International Living compiles annual lists on the best places to hang the retired hat based on things like cost of living, ease of entry, healthcare, insurance and access to amenities, and the Top 10 for 2012 includes some old favorites as well as new picks. [Let's take a look.] Words: 950

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