Friday , 26 July 2024


Getting Married? Then Seriously Consider a Prenup

Divorce is emotionally charged and often involves many issues beyond just the financial settlement...[so] establishing boundaries for divorce may help prevent greater financial and emotional pain later...[and] a confidentiality agreement in conjunction with a premarital agreement may help prevent ongoing public arguments, accusations or bickering....Should you think about getting one?

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The 5 Biggest Financial Risks Retirees Face

While there are many risks that face retirees, new research suggests older Americans often underestimate the biggest and most likely problems they'll encounter. Here’s a look at the five biggest risks retirees face — as well as some advice for minimizing those risks.

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Recessions: It’s All About Weathering the Storm – Here’s How

Inflation is at a 40-year high, with gas prices hitting $5 a gallon and everyday purchases becoming more and more expensive. Interest rates are rising. The stock market is taking us on a rollercoaster ride right now, terrifying drops included. Crypto is crashing, too. Some economists are saying the U.S. could soon be in a recession, if it isn’t already. I’m not sure about you, but it’s making me a little anxious.

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Social Security: 8 Facts You Need To Know

An annual quiz from Mass-Mutual that tests the public's knowledge about Social Security...has 13 true or false questions...and the results consistently show the average person knows little about these government benefits...

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