Friday , 26 July 2024


Living (aka revocable) Trusts: What You Need To Know

Although living trusts can streamline the disposition of your estate, there are plenty of opportunities to make costly missteps, particularly when it comes to transferring your assets to a trust. This article address the ins and outs of setting up a living trust.

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Debt-to-GDP Ratio by Country: The Top 10 Most Indebted Nations

Since COVID-19 started its spread around the world in governments have had to increase their expenditures to deal with higher healthcare costs, unemployment, food insecurity, and to help businesses to survive. Countries have taken on new debt to provide financial support for these measures, which has resulted in the highest global debt levels in half a century...[Below is a] debt-to-GDP data by country from the most recent World Economic Outlook report by the IMF.

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Why SWIFT Matters To Russia

There are 862 individual SWIFT codes of Russian origin, belonging to somewhere around 300 financial institutions out of a total in the bank network of 11,000 and removing them from the network would prevent those banks from using the network to facilitate transfers.

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Here’s How to Store Your Precious Metals

If you want to protect your finances from economic instability or just need to shore up your investment portfolio with a time-honored hedge against inflation, buying precious metals could be for you. But you can’t just stuff your gold and silver bullion under your mattress. No, you need to store your precious metals safely, here are some options.

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Wealth: Don’t Get Discouraged (Chapter 1)

Wealth provides independence and security. For our purposes, wealth is a relative thing; something you define, in reasonable terms, for your situation. I approach wealth in terms you can understand and achieve. Words: 572

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