Below is a highly informative infographic from Fortunly on the current state of the greenback. It will also provide you with a short history of the currency and some projections for the future. Enjoy!
Read More »$500,000 Bitcoin? It’s Really Not That Ridiculous – Here’s Why
Bitcoin bulls estimate that the price of each coin could hit $20,000 very soon thanks to rising demand. But there are some who believe that the price of bitcoin could very well go on to hit $500,000 - even as much as $1,000,000 - in the very near future.
Read More »Gold Standard Should Replace “Exorbitant Privilege” of USD Reserve Currency Status – Here’s Why (+3K Views)
The least imperfect monetary system by which civilized nations can conduct their business is the classical gold standard - a system in which every major nation defines its currency as a weight unit of gold. [Let me explain.] Words: 890
Read More »We’re On the Eve Of An Economic Crisis Of Unfathomable Proportions – Got Gold?
We are now on the eve of an economic crisis of unfathomable proportions due to an insoluble debt problem. Holding precious metals will be invaluable insurance to survive this crisis financially.
Read More »Debasement of Western Currencies Leading to Hyperinflation – Got Gold?
It is critical to heed the strong warning signs of deep trouble coming in Europe, Japan and the USA. A 75-79% fall in the currencies of these countries is telling us that they will all go to their intrinsic value of ZERO in the next few years. This will lead eventually to the same hyperinflation as in Argentina and Venezuela...
Read More »The Idea That the Yuan Will Soon Replace the USD As the World’s Reserve Currency Is Ridiculous! Here’s Why (+2K Views)
The petroyuan has launched. Let's investigate its success or lack thereof, primarily the latter.
Read More »Precipitous Decline In U.S. Dollar Index Could Result In Gold & Silver Boost – Here’s Why (+5K Views)
This looks like an excellent point to short the dollar, which is expected to drop and probably accelerate away to the downside. This should provide a boost for the Precious Metals sector which...will increasingly be seen as a safe haven.
Read More »These 5 Currencies Experienced Hyperinflation – Here’s Why (+3K Views)
In the following infographic we look at 5 occasions when currencies crashed in a big way.
Read More »China & Russia Orchestrating the End Of the U.S. Dollar (+3K Views)
It is only a matter of time before the dollar will lose its status as reserve currency. Before this happens, the dollar will start crumbling and eventually disappear into a black hole resulting in an implosion of all the dollar assets and debts.
Read More »The World’s Most Important Chart Is Breaking Down! (+2K Views)
While everyone continues to focus on stocks, a much larger, far more important situation is brewing in the single most important asset class in the world. That situation involves the USD and the US Dollar Index.
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