Tuesday , 23 April 2024


Alf Field: America’s Current Account Deficit Causing World’s Financial Crisis! Here’s Why (+8K Views)

The onset of the world’s worst financial crisis in many decades is one of the most important factors (if not the most important factor) currently influencing investment decisions. The crisis has created chaos and confusion. Not many people understand how the world has arrived at this unfortunate situation. This report endeavours to identify the underlying causes of the crisis and explains why the USA current account deficit has been the main destabilising force in world finance. Words: 3806

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What the History of “World” Currency Likely Means for the U.S. Dollar – and Why (+5K Views)

It’s common for the world’s most powerful country to issue a currency that becomes adopted around the world as the standard for international trade but whenever that country reaches a point of epic, terminal decline, and especially when it rapidly debases its currency, the rest of the world seeks an alternative. This article outlines the history of the rise & fall of "world" currencies over the centuries and then comments on what the future likely holds for today's "world" currency - the U.S. dollar.

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Debt Default or Hyperinflation? Which Will It Be? (+6K Views)

The Fed, together with other central banks from around the world, have created the perfect crescendo of worldwide credit bubbles and asset bubbles leading to the excesses and decadence which are the normal finale to a secular trend. They have totally destroyed all major world currencies and left the world with debts that cannot and will not be repaid with normal money. As such, there are only two alternative outcomes, debt default or hyperinflation. Both will have disastrous consequences for the world economy.

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