Thursday , 24 October 2024

China & Russia Orchestrating the End Of the U.S. Dollar (+3K Views)

China and Russia are now seeing what de Gaulle saw in the late 1960s.russia-dollar They know that it is only a matter of time before the dollar will lose its status as reserve currency. They also know that before this happens, the dollar will start crumbling and eventually disappear into a black hole resulting in an implosion of all the dollar assets and debts.

This version of the original article by Egon von Greyerz has been edited ([ ]) and revised (…) to ensure a faster & easier read. It may be re-posted as long as it includes a hyperlink back to this revised version to avoid copyright infringement.

China and Russia are not waiting for this to happen. They are actually going to orchestrate the fall of the dollar. Not by attacking the dollar itself but by killing the petrodollar. China will start to trade oil in yuan with Russia, with Saudi Arabia, Iran, Turkey etc. All these countries are now negotiating a number of agreements to facilitate the trading of oil and other commodities in yuan and rubles. These agreements cover a wide area such as new payment system and Forex trading between Russia and China as well as gold imports by China from Russia.

The intention of the Trump administration to repudiate the Iran nuclear agreement and to impose new sanctions will further strengthen the resolve of these countries to abandon the petrodollar. Sadly, it is also likely to lead to yet more terrorism in the West.

This is all happening at a much faster pace than the world is realising and, this time, the U.S. cannot do anything about it.

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