Friday , 26 July 2024

Tag Archives: WTIC

Crude Oil: How ‘Sweet’ it can be! (+2K Views)

Some people arbitrarily speak about oil as if it is a single, indistinguishably homogenous substance without any unique differentiation, but this is actually not the case at all! In fact, there are many different kinds of oil. Words: 1007

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Crude Oil Implications for the Stock Market (+3K Views)

The oil price bear market will have made it's final bottom BY early February at $25 and then embark on a bull market that will target a trend towards a late year high of $60...This oil price trend and the stock market's oversold state are also converging towards a stock market bottom for 2016 in a time window that probably runs for another 2-3 weeks. Here are the specifics.

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Interested In What Oil Prices Will Be In 2013 – and Why? Then This Article Is For You (+2K Views)

Economics will dictate that you can only build so much storage to avert a price drop from continual over-supply and, right now, the world produces more Oil than it consumes each day, and it has for the past 16 months. This trend will only get worse so expect prices to finally start to address this over-supply issue in the Oil markets in 2013. [Let me explain further.] Words: 1640

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Brent vs. West Texas Intermediate Crude Oil: What’s the Diff? (+2K Views)

We use crude oil for everything from running our cars to making plastic. The need for oil causes conflicts and gives power to those countries that have an abundance of it. Taking all this into account, not too many of us actually know how it’s priced. A lot of us hear how much it costs per barrel or get mad when prices go up at the pump but what’s the method behind the madness? Hopefully, I can shed a little light on the process. Words: 790

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