Friday , 26 July 2024

Tag Archives: recession

Are We On the Verge of a Second Recession? (+2K Views)

Is a second recession in so short of a time in the offing? It certainly seems that way. The hope for a continued recovery has grown dim lately as many of the economic indexes are moving towards contractionary territory... There are several concerns pressing the U.S. economy and, in the words of David Rosenberg, chief economist at Gluskin Sheff, "one small shock" could send us into a second recession. [We, for our part, believe that even] another round of Quantitative Easing by the Fed...may not be enough to offset the real problems facing the U.S. economy. [Let's take a closer look.] Words: 1295

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Economic Contraction Has Caused Vehicle Traffic to Decline – Guess How Much?

The Depart of Transportation's Federal Highway Commission has released the latest report on Traffic Volume Trends data through May. The lead observation is that travel on all roads and streets declined by -1.9% (-5.0 billion vehicle miles) for May 2011 as compared with May 2010. [Let's take a look at some graphs to illustrate the trend going back to 1971.] Words: 370

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Get Ready to be Financially Conscripted – and Face a Lower Standard of Living!

Get ready to be financially conscripted into a citizen army assembled for the greater cause of saving America from being swamped by a tsunami of debt as a new policy initiative known as "financial repression" takes hold. ‘Repression’ rhymes with ‘depression’ and that is what we may have to look forward to as rampant price inflation and permanently lower living standards take hold as a result. Let me explain. Words: 1797

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Williams: U.S. Can Not Avoid Coming Financial Armageddon (+3K Views)

The U.S. economy is in an intensifying inflationary recession that eventually will evolve into a hyperinflationary great depression... [at which time] a $100 bill in the United States will become worth more as functional toilet paper/tissue than as currency. The U.S. government and Federal Reserve already have committed the system to this course through the easy politics of a bottomless pocketbook, the servicing of big-moneyed special interests, and gross mismanagement. The article is long but well worth the read. Words: 3565

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The Weiss Team's 8 Bold Forecasts for 2010 and Beyond

Martin Weiss' team of international experts - Mike Larson in North America, Claus Vogt in Europe, Tony Sagami on Asia, Rudy Martin on South America - and Ron Rowland, one of the nation's foremost experts on international exchange-traded funds (ETFs) met recently to discuss and determine what they think is coming next. They came up with eight new forecasts for 2010 — some very negative, some very positive - and put forth specific, actionable recommendations based on their conclusions. Words: 1969

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Mauldin: Large Tax Increases in 2011 Will Tip Us Into Recession

The uber-Keynesians that are in control of our economic policy clearly do not think that large tax increases matter, or if they do think so they are not speaking out about them. They are conducting an experiment on our economic body without benefit of anesthesia. Here's a prediction about which I can feel confident: if we do slip back into recession, they will blame some factor other than the tax increase and call for massive stimulus. In fact, they will probably say that the lack of stimulus was the problem in the first place. Paul Krugman will be the head cheerleader. Words: 841

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25 Warning Signs of HARD Economic Times Ahead (+2K Views)

At times like these, it is hardly going out on a limb to say that we are headed for hard economic times. In fact, it seems like almost everyone in the financial world is either declaring that a recession is coming or is busy preparing for one. The truth is that bad economic signs are everywhere. Words: 1171

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Nouriel Roubini: How to Avoid a Double-Dip Global Recession

There is an ongoing debate among global policymakers about when and how fast to exit from the strong monetary and fiscal stimulus that prevented the Great Recession of 2008-2009 from turning into a new Great Depression. Germany and the European Central Bank are pushing aggressively for early fiscal austerity; the United States is worried about the risks of excessively early fiscal consolidation. Words: 957

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