Friday , 26 July 2024

Tag Archives: market crash

Why the Pessimists May Be Right. What That Means For Gold & Silver (+2K Views)

Predictions that a crash will occur in the fall of 2015 have been gaining traction bolstered by market events of this summer which suggest that something big is indeed unfolding....The question before investors now is whether the pessimists will be right. Will the doom-and-gloom scenarios play out? Their arguments are worth considering, keeping in mind that nobody knows the future and that market forecasts are, at best, educated guesses. Read on!

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There’s NO Way To Dodge the Bullet: We Must Continue to Leverage & Inflate – or Die! Here’s Why

Interest rates will not rise again in our lifetime. Why, you ask? Because the leverage in the system would collapse the very financial assets and governments which underpin the global financial systems. It is INFLATE or DIE and it provides the additional benefit of feeding insolvent welfare states and the socialist politicians to feed their "useful idiot" supporters. Today’s missive will put some meaning into that observation.

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Dow About to Correct 14-18%, Then Increase 111-122% Into 2017

The stock market has topped. It got stretched too high, for too long, and needs to pull back and wash out some diehard bulls and refresh itself before heading any higher. We are now in a bear market that could last anywhere from 3-10 months and the significance of it all is crucial to not only understanding what is going on, but also to protecting and growing your wealth. This article does just that!

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Betting Against the Prevailing Consensus Builds Wealth – Here’s Today’s Prevailing Consensus (+2K Views)

If you want to make money long-term, you have to bet against the prevailing consensus of most financial experts. I have never seen such an overwhelming bullish consensus as there is today that the economy is going to do great, that gold is a sell, and that the stock market is going to go higher, and if you want to build speculative wealth, you have to bet against that.

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Don’t Get Greedy! The Greedometer Gauge Has a 100% Track Record – Here’s Its Most Recent S&P 500 Forecast (+3K Views)

In the 7 years that the Greedometer has been used there have been zero missed calls, and zero false alarms. The 7th warning began in January and in late February,the Greedometer gauge reached an epic 7900rpm which is marginally higher than the 7700rpm maximum reading seen 3 months prior to the S&P500 peak in October 2007. [This article outlines the development and successes of the Greedometer and the new Mini Greedometer and what they are predicting for the stock market in 2013.] Words: 1420

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Stock Market Alert! These Articles Say What’s Up (& Possibly Going Down)

With the stock market forging ahead it is imperative that those who manage other peoples money (and/or their own) become extremely well read - beyond their normal corporate reports, opinions and analyses - on the reality of what is evolving in the marketplace from as many different perspectives as possible. Because it would take days to gather such information we have gathered together a number of such articles on the subject with introductory paragraphs and hyperlinks to each. They are well worth your time to read.

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It’s Time to Apply the “Greater Fool Theory” and Sell Your Winners to All Those Fools (3K Views)

The Dow has surpassed its all-time record high - set in October 2007 - and the S&P 500 is not far behind? Is this the early stage of another great bull market? Let's look back at the two previous times when the S&P 500 set new all-time highs and see if we can learn something. Wait...first put your "this time it's different" glasses on. OK, let's go. Words: 430; Charts: 1

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