Thursday , 13 March 2025

Tag Archives: housing bubble

Who Are the ‘Greater Fools” Now? (+5K Views)

Many households, financial and non-financial firms and government, may well spend the next decade in debtor’s prison having to tighten their belts to pay for the losses inflicted by a decade of reckless leverage, over-consumption and risk taking. What fools we have been for living beyond our means all these years and taking no fiscal responsibility for our future well-being in the false hope that there always would be a ‘greater fool’ out there than us. Words: 1230

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Global Liquidity To Cause (or has already caused) Housing Bubbles In U.S. & Internationally

It is clear global real estate prices are heating up again and, due to interest rates being lower now than in the previous cycle, real estate prices in the U.S. and globally may actually surprise us with several more years of growth before they peak as global liquidity searches for the few relatively safe assets (in the least dirty shirt fashion) as a way to protect against reflation and devaluation in non-U.S. countries.

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Are Surging Home Prices in Canada Finally Due For a Major Correction?

Given the global economic backdrop, and in particular the sharp correction in energy prices to which Canada is highly exposed, the risks of a Canadian housing correction are rising. Home prices, which corrected about 10% during the recession, have surged again, making household balance sheets look increasingly fragile. Economists are becoming concerned. [Should Canadians be worried too? Let's review the situation.] Words: 280

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Comparing Housing Bubble to Rising Cost of Higher Education Suggests Another Bubble Waiting to Burst – Here’s Why (+2K Views)

Getting into a good university is not an easy feat and securing a job upon graduation in the current economic climate is not easy either...The biggest challenge for most university graduates, however, is paying off their education loan [which is] hardly surprising [given that] the sum of student debt is higher than credit card debt across the United States. It may sound preposterous that some have called higher education the next big bubble so read the following infographic, which compares the higher education bubble to the housing bubble, and decide for yourself. Words: 410

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Unlike the U.S and U.K, Canada's Home Prices Are STILL Rising!

Canada, France and Switzerland stood alone among nine markets measured in recording annual price gains, based on second-quarter data, with inflation-adjusted price increases of 5%, 5% and 4%, respectively, compared to declines of 6% in the U.S., the U.K. and Australia, 10% in Spain and 14% in Ireland. In fact, Canada's home prices have escalated 44% since 2005 - with a high of 68% in Vancouver - and they are up 7.7% in the past 12 months! Words: 1244

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