Friday , 26 July 2024

Tag Archives: commodities

This Interactive Table of Commodity Returns Is Easy to Use – Try It

Natural resources are the building blocks of the world, essential to progress and prosperity. These commodities, like all investments, can have wide price fluctuations over time. The interactive table provided shows the ebb and flow of commodity prices over the past decade and illustrates the principle of mean reversion—the concept that returns eventually move back towards their mean or average. [Take a look.]

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Health of World’s Monetary System Moving Into Terminal Stage! Here’s Why (+2K Views)

The time is now fast approaching when all debt will be defaulted on...A debtor's default will impact the creditor (who is usually also a debtor to yet other creditors), causing him to default, and so on. When this begins in earnest, it will wipe out the banking system and thus everyone's "money." The paper currencies will not survive this. We are seeing the early edges of it now in the euro, and it's anyone's guess when it will happen in Japan, though it seems long overdue already. Last of all, it will come to the USA. The purpose of this article is to present the early-warning signal and explain the actual mechanism to these events. Words: 1386

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Charles Nenner’s Cycle Analysis Predicts Dow to Peak in 2012 and Then Decline to 5,000 – and Much More! (+2K Views)

Charles Nenner has been accurately predicting movements in the liquid markets for more than 25 years, and his most recent cycle analysis predicts that the current stock market rally is going to last through Q2 and then begin a major descent in 2013 - with the Dow eventually reaching 5,000! Read on to learn how Nenner's unique system works and what he forecasts for commodities, currencies, bonds, interest rates and more. Words: 435

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Major Investment Opportunities Exist In Agriculture! Here’s 50 (+2K Views)

The agriculture sector has long been a popular place for commodity trading. After all, it was with agricultural futures that commodity trading got its start. Farmers had originally used these contracts to help offset any losses in crop yields. Now, the agricultural space has blossomed into a market chock full of options for investors, but many investors are still unaware of the vast opportunities that this sector offers. [Let us change all that!] Words:2376

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The "Ins" and "Outs" of Investing in Commodities

Commodities have obvious appeal to active investors looking to generate profits from short-term price movements [but while] the volatility of this asset class is ideal for risk-tolerant individuals who actively monitor their positions...commodities may also have appeal to the long-term, buy-and-hold crowd...These potentially appealing attributes come with plenty of risk, [however, as] the path to commodity exposure is full of potential obstacles and pitfalls that can erode returns and lead to a less-than-optimal investing experience. Here are ten rules of thumb that will help you achieve a more successful experience investing in commodity markets. Words: 2871

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Might Silver's Current Chart Similarity with 2008 Be Implying What's About to Happen to Rest of Market?

A look at the chart for SLV from September 2007 to August 2008 (11 months) and from November 2010 to October 2011 (11 months) is remarkably similar - almost identical in fact. Therefore, if silver continues to trace out a similar path to what transpired in 2008, what are the possible implications for stocks, bonds, currencies, commodities, and precious metals? Take a look at the following 19 charts for some possible outcomes. Words: 731

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