Friday , 26 July 2024

Tag Archives: commodities

These 10 Articles Will Help You Better Protect & Strengthen Your Investment Portfolio – Take a Look

We are inundated daily with a great deal of economic noise and self-serving investment advice so just what is of any real merit? I review 100s of articles every week in my effort to find the "best-of-the-best" for posting on my site and offer below 10 articles with truly insightful, unbiased analysis, information and advice. Your time (and that of your financial advisor) would be well spent carefully evaluating the content of these articles and possibly implementing some aspects of such advice. Enjoy - and prosper!

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Buy & Hold Commodity Assets (Particularly Gold & Silver) Starting Today: BIG Profits are Coming – Here’s Why (+2K Views)

Savers will not stand idly by and watch their savings get wiped out by taxes and inflation....[which] is good news for investors who buy and hold commodity assets today – and it’s also a stark reminder to not be fooled by the short-term head fakes that might make it look like the commodity bull is over. Stay the course – the biggest profits are yet to come. [Here's why.] Words: 405

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Here's Some Quality Advice on How to Navigate the Markets & Protect Your Wealth During the Next 4 Years

The U.S. has reached a Debt to GDP ratio of over 100%. Indeed, at no point in history has the U.S. had this much debt during peacetime - and the fact that we're overspending by this amount at the exact time that other countries are showing signs of shunning US Treasuries is a formula for disaster. With that in mind, it is highly likely that the U.S. will enter at the very minimum a debt crisis and quite possibly a currency crisis during the Obama administration's second term. [Such being the case,] now, more than ever, investors need to get access to high quality guidance and insights [and this article does just that] to help you navigate the markets and protect your wealth. Words: 964

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Here's How to Invest – and Thrive – Should Nouriel Roubini's 'Perfect Storm' Engulf Us

Back in May of 2012 Nouriel Roubini (aka Dr. Doom) predicted that slowing growth in the United States, growing debt troubles in Europe, a slowdown in China, and intensifying political gridlock with Iran would come together to create a “Perfect Storm” for the world economy. Below we outline three ETFs that could thrive as global economic growth expectations deteriorate, keeping in mind that virtually no asset class will be safe if the “Perfect Storm” actually strikes. Words: 606

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Is the Commodities Boom Over?

The world’s economy is passing through a low growth environment and this is in stark contrast to the first half of the last decade, when we had a global boom. Today, Europe is on the brink of recession, the US economy is growing at only 2% per year and it appears as though China is facing a major slowdown. Given these circumstances, we are of the view that the prices of natural resources will struggle to retain last decade’s momentum. [Let me explain further.] Words: 745

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