Friday , 26 July 2024

Tag Archives: commodities

Finally! Someone With the Balls to Face Reality and Outline the Probable Outcome & Utter Hopelessness of America’s Debt Problems (+7K Views)

Many articles are being written these days that more or less scope the dire financial circumstances the U.S. is in. That being said, I had not been able to find one "analyst" - even one - who had the guts to outline the probable outcome and general hopelessness of the situation and to offer any meaningful prescription for investors to survive this coming catastrophe - until now. Words: 710

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Why You Should Own Some Silver – As Well As Gold (+9K Views)

Silver has had quite a run the last couple months... so it's no surprise that it has gained much attention and interest from investors - even more so than gold. It is extremely volatile, however, and tends to rise or fall in spurts so I'd like to focus on its attributes as compared to gold, make a case for holding some, and discuss some ultimate price possibilities. Words: 1606

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Is There a Viable Alternative to the Dollar as the Reserve Currency? (+9K Views)

Within the recent retracement of the U.S. currency there has been endless speculation about the future role of the dollar as the world’s primary reserve currency. Moreover, there has even been conjecture that the dollar will no longer exist at some point in the near future but any case made for the vulnerability of the dollar falls short when it comes to naming alternatives. Words: 631

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Pension Funds: Why $5,000 Gold May Be Too Low! (+2K Views)

You already know the basic reasons for owning gold -- currency protection, inflation hedge, store of value, calamity insurance -- many of which are becoming clichés even in mainstream articles. Throw in the supply and demand imbalance, and you've got the basic arguments for why one should hold gold for the foreseeable future. [T]here is another driver of the price, however, that escapes many gold watchers and certainly the mainstream media [a]nd I'm convinced that once this sleeping giant wakes, it could ignite the gold market like nothing we've ever seen. [Let me explain.] Words: 788

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How to Protect Your Portfolio From Inflation (+2K Views)

Inflation lurks in the shadows. It destroys value by gradually eroding real returns over time. It is financial death by a thousand cuts. Investors too often look at "the numbers" in their portfolio without asking what those numbers can actually buy over time. It's a classic mistake that John Maynard Keynes termed "money illusion."

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