Wednesday , 19 February 2025

Crypto-currencies Will Never Replace Gold as Your Financial Hedge – Here’s Why (+3K Views)

It seems that more and more people justify investing in crypto-currencies Digital-Currencies-Should-Be-Led-by-the-Central-Banks1-300x225— even at current record prices — by claiming that they’re an effective hedge against the instability of fiat currencies but is that true?

The original article, written by Olivier Garret, is presented here by – “ The internet’s most unique site for financial articles! (Here’s why)” – in an edited ([ ]) and revised (…) format to provide a fast & easy read. Visit our Facebook page for all the latest – and best – financial articles!

Sure, a fiat money system where central banks can and do literally print money at will has its weaknesses. That’s why hard assets like gold are so popular among smart investors: as real stores of value, they provide a safety net against currency depreciation. However, it’s doubtful that the same applies to cryptocurrencies.

Despite what the crypto-evangelists will tell you, digital tokens will never and can never replace gold as your financial hedge. Below are six reasons why.

#1: Cryptocurrencies Are More Similar to a Fiat Money System Than You Think.
The definition of “fiat money” is a currency that is legal tender but not backed by a physical commodity.

It’s clear that cryptocurrencies partially fit the definition of fiat money. They may not be legal tender yet, but they’re also not backed by any sort of physical commodity and, while total supply is artificially constrained, that constraint is just, well, artificial. You can’t compare that to the physical constraint on gold’s supply.

Some countries are also exploring the idea of introducing government-backed cryptocurrencies, which would take them one step closer toward fiat-currency status. As Russia, India, and Estonia are considering their own digital money, Dubai has already taken it one step further. In September, the kingdom announced that it has signed a deal to launch its own blockchain-based currency known as emCash, so ask yourself, how can you effectively hedge against a fiat money system with another type of fiat money?

#2: Gold Has Always Had and Will Always Have an Accessible Liquid Market.
An asset is only valuable if other people are willing to trade it in return for goods, services, or other assets.

Gold is one of the most liquid assets in existence. You can convert it into cash on the spot, and its value is not bound by national borders.

Gold is gold. Anywhere you travel in the world, you can exchange gold for whatever the local currency is. The same cannot be said about cryptocurrencies. While they’re being accepted in more and more places, broad, mainstream acceptance is still a long way off.

What makes gold so liquid is the immense size of its market. The larger the market for an asset, the more liquid it is. According to the World Gold Council, the total value of all gold ever mined is about $7.8 trillion. By comparison, the total size of the cryptocurrency market stands at about $161 billion as of this writing—and that market cap is split among 1,170 different cryptocurrencies. That’s a long shot from becoming as liquid and widely accepted as gold.

#3: The Majority of Cryptocurrencies Will Be Wiped Out.
Many Wall Street veterans compare the current rise of cryptocurrencies to the Internet in the early 1990s. Most stocks that had risen in the first wave of the Internet craze were wiped out after the burst of the dot-com bubble in 2000. The crash, in turn, gave rise to more sustainable Internet companies like Google and Amazon, which thrive to this day. The same will probably happen with cryptocurrencies. Most of them will get wiped out in the first serious correction. Only a few will become the standard, and nobody knows which ones at this point.

If major countries like the U.S. jump in and create their own digital currency, they will likely make competing “private” currencies illegal. This is no different from how privately issued banknotes are illegal (although they were legal during the Free Banking Era of 1837–1863) so, while it’s likely that cryptocurrencies will still be around years from now, the question is, which ones? There is no need for such guesswork when it comes to gold.

#4: Lack of Security Undermines Cryptocurrencies’ Effectiveness.
Security is a major drawback facing the cryptocurrency community. It seems that every other month, there is some news of a major hack involving a Bitcoin exchange.

In the past few months, the relatively new cryptocurrency Ether has been a target for hackers. The combined total amount stolen has almost reached $82 million. Bitcoin, of course, has been the largest target. Based on current prices, just one robbery that took place in 2011 resulted in the hackers taking hold of over $3.7 billion worth of bitcoin—a staggering figure. With security issues surrounding cryptocurrencies still not fully rectified, their capability as an effective hedge is compromised.

When was the last time you heard of a gold depository being robbed? Not to mention the fact that most depositories have full insurance coverage.

#5: Hype and Speculation Continue to Drive Cryptocurrencies’ Value.

Since the beginning of the year, the value of Bitcoin has more than quadrupled—a tremendous spike in value that has sent investors rushing to invest in cryptocurrencies but could this be nothing more than a market bubble?

One of the world’s most successful hedge fund managers, Ray Dalio of Bridgewater Associates, certainly seems to think so. In September 2017, he told CNBC, “It’s not an effective storehold of wealth because it has volatility to it, unlike gold. Bitcoin is a highly speculative market. Bitcoin is a bubble.”

The spike in Bitcoin prices seems to only lend credence to this view. With such an extreme degree of volatility, cryptocurrencies’ value as a hedge is questionable. Most people buy them for the sole reason of selling them later at higher prices. This is pure speculation, not hedging.

#6: Cryptocurrencies Do Not Have Gold’s History as a Store of Value.

Cryptocurrencies have been around for less than a decade, whereas gold has been used as a store of value for thousands of years. Because of this long history, we know for a fact that stocks and bonds have low or negative correlations with gold, particularly during periods of economic recession. This makes gold a powerful hedge.

What little data we have on cryptocurrencies does not show the same. Consider this year alone: while the U.S. stock market continues to run record highs, the same goes for Bitcoin.

It’s true that gold has also gone up, but the correlation has been very low and, during times of recessions, tends to swing to the negative side, as you can see in the graph below.

Since 2010, there have been 15 times where the S&P 500 has seen drops of 5% or more. Out of those 15 stock market downturns, Bitcoin has been down for 10 of them. How is that a good hedge?

The gold vs bitcoin debate has a long way to run but if the outcome is a world in which money is what the market — rather than the government — says it is, then hopefully there will be room for both.

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  1. Bitcoin is not sound money, it is not currency and it is nothing like gold so:

    Please ask yourself to clearly explain to everyone –> how does a cryptocurrency perform when a bad transaction takes place?
    • Such as a grocer in good faith buys, using bitcoin, some avocados and they turn out to be poison. Who sold them and where is that person located? How do you correct this bad transaction and horrible situation, when the transaction itself is anonymous and irreversible?
    This is a nightmare waiting to happen for this and other reasons.
    A crypto should only be:
    • Totally free to purchase
    • Mining limited to very modest universal income amount
    • Mining available to all on a random basis to everyone equally and purely voluntary and compensated only up to the universal income
    • Completely distributed across all hardware and networks
    • Secure in an off-line electronic/paper vault under the owner’s strict control
    • Open source with quantum compatibility
    Remove the anonymity and governments with their central banks will control your money as they do now, Bitcoin then becomes nothing but a nuisance. And you still have the irreversibly of the transaction to deal with, evil businessmen love it.

    Bitcoin has little use other than to launder money and conduct other illegal transactions. However, it does provide a strong way to hide even legal transactions but there are other ways to accomplish this (cash for example).

    When the “Financialization” wheels finally come off… if Bitcoin or any other crypto won’t buy gold then you will know which one won and not until then.

    Blockchain technology is useful, and that is all there is.