This infographic looks at how many millionaires, centi-millionaires, and billionaires will be made in different regions of the world over the next decade. All of this is based on how many assets are accumulated by an individual. Take a look.
Read More »U.S. Health Care Most Expensive – Yet Worst – In World! Which is the Best? (+4K Views)
The cost of basic (and not so basic) health insurance in the U.S. is BY FAR the most expensive in the world, and certainly among its "wealthy-nation" peers, yet, while It would be logical to think that, as a result of this premium, the quality of the healthcare offered would be among the best, if not the best, in the world. Unfortunately, that would be wrong and, in fact, the reality is the complete opposite.
Read More »What Google Knows About You & Me – Yikes! (+2K Views)
Google tracks pretty much everything you do including where you've been, what you look like, your personal beliefs - and much, much more. Check out today`s infographic to see what Google knows about you.
Read More »The Largest Buyers & Sellers Of Gold In Past 20 Years
Today's infographic uses data from the World Gold Council to show 30 years of central bank gold demand, highlighting how official attitudes toward gold have changed in the last 30 years.
Read More »International Comparison of Retirement Ages
At what age does the average person retire in high-income countries? How long is the average period of retirement? The OECD collects this information. Here's a trimmed down table with a selection of countries.
Read More »A Comparison of Living Costs By City Worldwide
This article presents the Cost of Living Index by City Worldwide for 2023. These indices are historical and they are published periodically. It's a snapshot of the current indices at a specific point in time.
Read More »Is A Student Loan A Good Idea? Which Degree Has the Highest ROI? Should A College Education Be Free?
What matters is not the value of the education to the individual but the value of that education to society, and the best measure we have of the value to society of a person’s education is what society is willing to pay for the work that education enables the student to do.
Read More »Americans Take Note! College Education Costs 50% Less In These English-speaking Countries (+4K Views)
Americans take note! A first class college education in other English speaking countries can be had for half the average cost of one in the U.S.. This infographic tells you where and how much you would pay. Take a look.
Read More »#$$4$ Symbol Decoded
You will notice that the symbols @$$4$, @$, @$$, @$$$ and @$$$$ are appearing in all the recent articles posted on as hyperlinks. They are not being clicked on that often, however, so this article shows what would have been accessed had that been done.
Read More »Sponsor An Article For $10 and Receive a 258-page Book As A Thank You
Become a sponsor of an article on for $10 by making a donation which will be acknowledged with a "Hat Tip" and the 258-page e-book entitled WEALTH IF YOU WANT IT as a thank you.
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