Friday , 26 July 2024


Don't Fight the Fed: Buy Some of These 20 Blue Chip Stocks Instead!

The herd continues to stampede into U.S. Treasury debt of every possible maturity to, theoretically, avoid risk. Yields on AA+ 10-yr bonds can be locked in to yield 2.11% per year and you get your principal back in 10 years. [As we see it, though] the only justification for [such a meagre] return on invested capital must be tied to the belief that a return is better than nothing given the prospects of a future depression. We believe, however, that fighting the Fed and investing like a depression is coming is not the right way to position your portfolio. [Below are 20 suggestions on how to generate in excess of 2.11% returns plus strong appreciation potential with modest risk.] Words: 657

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IF Silver Goes Too High Government Might Interfere! Here’s Why (+2K Views)

Silver has more than doubled [in price] from its 2008 multi-year high...primarily due to demand among the industries of the developing world...and among those industries where silver is virtually irreplaceable... If silver goes too high, however, it could provoke government interference in the name of ensuring national security. Let me explain. Words: 606

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Relax! World's Stock Markets in Panic Mode but Its Not the End of the World – Yet

The plunge in global markets this week qualifies as a genuine panic according to the VIX index of implied equity volatility divided by the yield on 10-year Treasuries which measures how pessimistic the market is, and how much actual deterioration in the fundamentals there has been... [So,] are we finally on the cusp of "the end of the world as we know it"? Words: 437

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Sinclair: With Gold Reaching $1764 It Will Now Go Hyperbolic! (+2K Views)

The idea that an increase in the debt ceiling is a solution to anything is nonsense. The event would be simply a can kick forward for a very short period of time. Increasing debt is not a solution to a debt problem. It actually makes the problem worse. It is an act of extending your Federal credit card borrowing line so you can use it to pay your mortgage. Words: 590

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Dow Theory Signals New Bear Market is Imminent (+2K Views)

In a first since the bear market bottom of March 9, 2009 and the Dow Theory bull market indication on July 24, 2009, the Dow Jones Industrial Average and the Dow Jones Transportation Average have signaled the beginning of a bear market. [Let us explain.] Words: 824

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This Pattern Forecast the Crash (+2K Views)

Given that the financial system is now even more leveraged than it was during the tech bubble… and that we’ve added TRILLIONS in debt to the U.S.’s balance sheet...another systemic collapse [was to be expected and, in fact, was predicted by]... a stock market pattern that has occurred multiple times in the last century - and everytime it did, things got UGLY [- just like it is doing this time. Let's take a look.] Words: 422

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Update: Why $300+ Silver is a Realistic Future Peak Price (+3K Views)

Silver escalated in price by 81.1% in the 12 months ending June 30th, 2011 compared to gold's 19.3%. As such the gold:silver ratio fell from 67: 1 to 44: 1 over that period. This is still way out of whack with the long-term historical relationship between the two precious metals and begs the question: “Is now the perfect time to buy silver instead of the much more expensive gold metal?” Words: 1490

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July Update: Gold & Silver Warrants Index (GSWI) (+9K Views)

Virtually nothing is being written these days on the long-term warrants associated with a few gold and silver mining companies. I suppose that is to be expected given that there are only 22 such warrants and they are associated with only 19 companies in total. That is unfortunate because those who are in the know can take advantage of the significant leverage warrants generate in a bull market over investing in physical gold and silver, precious metals company stocks and mutual/exchange traded funds. What am I talking about - and which warrants am I referring to? Let me explain. Words: 1703

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