Wednesday , 19 March 2025


Investors Should Choose Silver vs. Gold During Financial Crises – Here’s Why

The notion that gold is the premium SAFE HAVEN during times of financial crisis doesn’t hold true if we go by the actual data. When the world stood at the brink of a total economic and financial meltdown in 2008, investors overwhelmingly choose silver over gold, which means, when the next much more dire financial crisis appears, physical silver demand will more than likely totally overrun supply. Got Silver?

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Gold Likely to Jump Significantly When Next Stock Market Crash Occurs – Here’s Why (+2K Views)

There appears to be a precise inverse relationship between gold and the stock market during stock market crashes such as those in September 2001, September/October 2008, and July/August 2011 . Gold not only rallied, but it rose significantly. This could be very useful information if, as I expect, we see another stock market crash, possibly again in the September/October time period.

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Dramatic Advance In Gold Fully Expected – Here’s Why

Gold’s relatively methodical advance since the turn of the millennium has had to do with the persistent desire to allocate a small portion of global wealth away from traditional financial assets and the fiat currencies in which they are priced. For these reasons, and the many more outlined in this article, we believe gold’s most dramatic advances remain ahead of us.

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Gold & Silver Market Transforming From Flat & Listless To Exciting & Profitable Soon – Here’s Why

The political, financial, and economic trends show that virtually all of the coming changes will be very positive for gold. That’s not pie in the sky wishful thinking—it accurately describes the next stage of the gold market, something that will soon visit your portfolio. Consider these 7 likely changes on the horizon and how they will transform the gold market from flat and listless to exciting and profitable.

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Gold Eventually Going To $5000 – Or Even Higher (+2K Views)

The correction in gold is approaching, or is at, its conclusion although gold could drop to $1000 before it’s done. That being said, however, further losses are looking less likely as the dollar has broken down from its parabolic uptrend and is vulnerable to a severe decline. The long-term outlook for gold and silver is a massive parabolic ramp similar to, but much greater in magnitude than that which occurred in the 1970’s, taking gold eventually to $5000 or higher. Silver may prove to be an even better investment. Here's my explanation with a good number of charts.

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Take Note: Demise Of Gold Is the Wrong Call To Make

The pressure on gold prices has seen some analysts suggest that the Midas Metal has had its time in the sun and that the precious metal will stay out of favor but any investor with an understanding of how market cycles can quickly change will see that the predicted demise of gold would be the wrong call to make.

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