Thursday , 24 October 2024

Gold Is Nearing A Make-or-Break Point – Here’s Why – Here’s When

It’s impossible to accurately forecast the coming direction in precious metals but it is clearly evident from the monitoring our set of charts and indicators that gold, silver, et al, is nearing a pivot point.

Based on our analysis in this article of:

  • the ongoing squeeze in the direction of gold,
  • the developing trend in the U.S. dollar,
  • the copper price,
  • inflation expectations,
  • the COMEX market and
  • the trend of the HUI gold/silver mining constituents,

we are convinced that a new trend in precious metals will arise soon.

Disagree? Concur? Have your say on the subject via:

We’d like to know what you have to say.

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1. Increasing Divergence Between GDX Gold Miners & Gold – What Are the Implications?

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