In spite of the spending cuts secured in last week's last-minute budget deal... we are headed for a 50-square-mile iceberg and have just turned the wheel an inch - probably less... [After all,] the $38 billion in cuts represent less than the $54 billion in new debt the U.S. racked up in just the previous week, less than 3% of this year's projected deficit and less than 1% of what the government has projected to spend in 2011... [In fact, such inadequate action has done nothing more than] reinforce expectations that the U.S. is headed for self-inflicted disaster. [Let me explain.] Words: 1066
Read More »IMF: Major Changes Required to Close U.S. Fiscal Imbalance – Here’s Why, What and How (+2K Views)
The United States is facing an unsupportable fiscal situation due to the combination of high deficits, aging population and growth in government-provided healthcare benefits according to a working paper by the International Monetary Fund (IMF). Their forecast implies that U.S. debt will rise rapidly relative to gross domestic product (GDP) in the medium- to long-term unless MAJOR adjustments in taxes and government payments are made to reduce the current fiscal and generational gaps and to avoid any further undesirable escalation of debt. [Let's look at the details.] Words: 790
Read More »America: The Party is Over! Here's Why
We Americans have enjoyed an incredibly wonderful standard of living over the past three decades with most of us believing that it was because we are the world's wealthiest, most prosperous nation with economic and financial systems that are second to none - but that is not even close to accurate. [The truth of the matter is that] we are [actually] in the biggest debt bubble the world has ever seen! It has been the greatest party in the history of the world, but it is time to turn out the lights because the party is over. [Let me explain.] Words: 1518
Read More »Gold & Silver Warrants Index (GSWI) Constituents: March Update (+2K Views)
The galaxy of warrants consists of only 146 stars (i.e. constituents) of which only 33 are associated with 30 commodity-related stocks that have sufficient brightness (i.e. 24+ months duration) to warrant (the pun is intended!) the attention of earthly investors. Words: 1579
Read More »What Does the Future Hold for the Dow:Gold Ratio? (+2K Views)
The Dow:Gold ratio is defined as the ratio of the price of the Dow Jones Industrial Average divided by the price of gold [or] how many ounces of gold it takes to buy the 30-stock Dow. The current Dow:Gold ratio of 8.5 is up 21.1% from its 17-year March 6, 2009 low of 7.0 and 81% below its 1999 peak of 44.77. [What does the future hold? Higher gold prices, lower stock prices or vice versa?] Words: 400
Read More »Goldrunner: Fractal Analysis Suggests Silver to Reach $52 – $56 by May – June 2011
Dollar Inflation remains the driver of the pricing environment for almost everything denominated in U.S. Dollars as long as the Fed continues to monetize debt. The debt monetization creates Dollar Inflation that results in Dollar Devaluation. By the time the Fed has ramped up the QE II that they have announced will end in June, I expect Gold, Silver, and the HUI will have risen to $1860 - $1975, $52 - $56 and 940 - 970 respectively. Let me show you why. Words: 1301
Read More »U.S. Dollar's Weakness Adding to Inflation Threat – Here's How
The U.S. dollar is essentially at an all-time low against other currencies on both a real and nominal basis [and such a] weak dollar is a serious problem, but there is no reason yet to abandon all hope... [Let me explain.] Words: 1064
Read More »America’s Political Process Guarantees Another Financial Crisis!
A perfect storm of converging criteria is almost perfectly timed and aligned with the 2012 election cycle. When the moment arrives, the financial earthquake will rapidly demolish the existing highly precarious financial system. Government will stand by helpless, unable to shield itself, much less its vulnerable citizens or private financial institutions from the tsunami of debt and currency destruction. Let me explain. Words: 2055
Read More »Here’s the Definitive Article on Why Gold is Going Even Higher (+7K Views)
[Whatever you] call it - a bubble, a frenzy or a mania - there seems to be a large number of voices in the marketplace who just are not fans of gold, whether prices are moving up, down or sideways [but] the reality is that gold doesn’t possess the traits necessary for a financial bubble to form. [In fact, the current worldwide economic and fiscal environment suggests that gold will go MUCH higher. Let me explain.] Words: 2368
Read More »Hyperinflation to Occur in U.S. as Early as 2013! Here’s Why
In our estimation, the most likely time frame for a full-fledged outbreak of hyperinflation in America is between the years 2013 and 2015 [based on 12 warning signs that are on the horizon.] Americans who wait until 2013 to prepare, will most likely see the majority of their purchasing power wiped out. It is essential that all Americans begin preparing for hyperinflation immediately. Words: 2065
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