The Obama administration and Congress will eventually have to agree to some watered-down measures that will enable the debt ceiling to be increased to ensure that the country’s creditors continue to be paid on time but that will only be a short-term political deal. The medium-term fiscal plans brought forward by Republicans (ready to slash spending but unwilling to consider tax increases) and by the White House (heavy reliance on sustained economic growth to reduce future deficits) currently fall well short of fiscal sustainability...[The bottom line is that] increases in taxes, combined with fundamental program redesign and a reduction in benefits, will eventually be required. Words: 744
Read More »Economic Contraction Has Caused Vehicle Traffic to Decline – Guess How Much?
The Depart of Transportation's Federal Highway Commission has released the latest report on Traffic Volume Trends data through May. The lead observation is that travel on all roads and streets declined by -1.9% (-5.0 billion vehicle miles) for May 2011 as compared with May 2010. [Let's take a look at some graphs to illustrate the trend going back to 1971.] Words: 370
Read More »(: This Mathematical Formula is the Key to Getting What You Want :)
Have you ever wondered to what extent all your hard work and knowledge is regarded in life? Have you ever questioned what is actually needed for you to get 100% out of life? Do you know what is really necessary to give 103%? What would be necessary get to 118% let alone 100%? The answers are really quite simple when you apply this little mathematical formula. Let me explain. Words: 227
Read More »Why It’s Exit Time – For Your Gold, Your Wealth and Your Family
The United States and most of Europe...risk an eruption and collapse of the mountain of unsustainable sovereign debt built up over the last two decades. Frankly, the U.S. dollar and national debt situation is so dire - and our means to contain a sovereign debt crisis so limited by multiple wars and Washington's debt and political incompetence at home - that anything could happen, almost overnight. [The best] America and most European governments and the central banking elites, which created the criminal sovereign debt fiasco, [appear able to do is] try to buy more time and delay the inevitable. This inaction means the threat of an immediate US debt and dollar collapse cannot be ruled out. Therefore, readers who have not protected themselves certainly have cause to worry because now could be too late. [Let me explain further.] Words: 1689
Read More »Art Cashin: Debt Ceiling Brinkmanship Similar to How WW1 Started! (+2K Views)
The goings-on in Washington are becoming a global embarrassment to... [all Americans]. Under the guise of working for the good of the people, both sides are engaged in barely-disguised exercises in venal politics. They should be very careful, however, as it was similar brinkmanship that brought about World War 1. Words: 384
Read More »$14,300,000,000,000 Debt Ceiling About to go Even Higher! Here’s Why (+2K Views)
The ceiling will be raised from its present horrendous $14.3 trillion – that’s 14.3 plus 11 zeros (00.000,000,000). That's guaranteed! [Otherwise,] the alternative would be the U.S. defaulting on its debts, losing its Triple A credit rating [and being] unable to pay the seniors their benefits, or the military [or its] creditors beyond Aug. 2. [There's more! Read on.] Words: 565
Read More »Debt Ceiling Debate Shows Collapse of USD & U.S. Financial Apparatus Unavoidable (+2K Views)
The ridiculous posturing by Democrats and Republicans in the U.S. over the imminent rise in so-called borrowing makes it almost embarrassing to be human. They can’t even get out of the way of their own political agendas to solve a problem threatening to make politics obsolete. Certainly, I’d be embarrassed to be American - or English, Irish, German, French, Swiss, Portuguese and especially Greek, Italian or Spanish. Stand close to any of the Davos men who constitute these nations’ finance ministers and you are immediately struck by the impression that you’re in the presence of the best-dressed con artists walking the globe. [Let me explain.] Words: 1375
Read More »In a Game of Debt Ceiling "Chicken" People Could Get Hurt – Seriously! (+2K Views)
The probability that Congress and the Administration fail to raise the debt ceiling before the Treasury runs out of cash has risen substantially... [Frankly,] it seems the height of policy folly for elected officials, intent on a game of budgetary chicken, to chance this downside risk during an economic recovery that was sub-par to begin with and lately seems to have faltered further. [It is important to remember that] sometimes in a game of chicken, people get injured—seriously. [Let us explain.] Words: 608
Read More »Gross: Beware the Bond/Currency Vigalantes if Debt Ceiling Not Raised
The debt ceiling must be raised and not be held hostage by budget negotiations... [If Washington does not] bond and currency vigilantes will make them pay. [Let me count the ways.] Words: 603
Read More »Why We Need a "Good" Depression Now – Not a "Great" Depression Later!
Do not raise the debt-ceiling. You heard me: block the debt ceiling vote. Don’t raise it. America’s out-of-control, a debt addict. It is time to detox - to deal with the collateral damage [now] before it’s too late. We need to fix America’s looming credit default, failing economy and our screwed-up banking system now - with a Good Depression. If we just kick the can down the road one more time, we’ll be trapped into repeating our 1930’s tragedy - a second Great Depression. [Let me explain.] Words: 1422
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