With the S&P 500 at its highest level since the summer of 2008, investors previously sidelined by reoccurring fears of a double dip recession and nagging worries about a disorderly Greek default may now be tempted to hold their noses and dive into the market where, presumably, they will be swept along to the land of outsized profits by the Dow 13,000 wave. Having said this, it is worth noting that often the best time to sell is when everyone else is buying. Now may be that time. [Let me explain.] Words: 885
Read More »Pento: Rampant Inflation Tomorrow Necessary to Avoid Deflationary Depression Today! Got Gold? (+2K Views)
There is an all out assault on the part of global central banks to destroy their currencies in an effort to allow their respective governments to continue the practice of running humongous deficits. In fact, the developed world's central bankers are faced with the choice of either massively monetizing Sovereign debt or to sit back and watch a deflationary depression crush global growth. Since they have so blatantly chosen to ignite inflation, it would be wise to own the correct hedges against your burning paper currencies.
Read More »Stephen Leeb: Silver’s Going to $60, $70, by the End of 2012 – Easy!
I think scarcity in oil is a dramatic tailwind for gold. Politicians will inflate. They don’t want oil to bring down the economy like it did in 2008. Remember, this inflation will take place with commodity prices already high. So this will create significant inflation. This means higher gold and silver. Gold at $3,000 by the end of the year, easy. Silver $60, $70, easy.
Read More »Don’t Laugh – Invest At Least 65% of Your Portfolio In Precious Metals! (+2K Views)
We recommend holding 30% of one's portfolio in bullion - both gold and silver. We also recommend holding an additional] 20% in gold mining juniors and 15% in gold mining major stocks amongst other things for a total allotment in precious metals of 65%. Here's why. Words: 450
Read More »Financial Repression: How Sneaky Governments Steal Your Money
One of the things that's being lost in the welter of rhetoric around the debt crises of sovereign nations is that these are not normal debtors, and government debt is not the same as personal debt. If you or I are in debt we are obliged to fulfil the terms of our repayment obligations or to go bankrupt or to pretend to die and go off and live on the life insurance. A country in the same situation has a range of other measures available to it...[Let's explore their options and what their implications would be for the country and its citizens.] Words: 1145
Read More »The 5 Stages of Collapse: Where Are We Currently? (+4K Views)
In light of the unfolding global sovereign debt fiasco that has turned out to be less of a waterfall and more of an avalanche [than anticipated I present below a description of the 5 stages of collapse and discuss our preparedness. If you haven't read it yet, perhaps you should.] It has been read by 70,000+ people so far - and is still being read by an average of 1,500 people each month - on my site alone. Words: 2525
Read More »Will Canada Soon See a 20-30% Correction in House Prices? (+2K Views)
Canadians are becoming increasingly vulnerable to a housing correction, exposing them to a perfect storm of high debt and falling assets, the Bank of Canada warns...suggesting that many Canadians have constructed their finances on a house of cards, with ever rising home values the key and vulnerable support. [Sound familiar?] Words: 770
Read More »What Do Americans Fear Most for Their Economy?
There's been a major swing in what people now fear the most for the U.S. economy. Take a look. Words: 255
Read More »Will Gold Peak at $2,500, $8,890 or $15,000? (+2K Views)
When considering that the conditions which propelled gold and silver to their 1980 highs are much worse today, I predict both metals will easily eclipse those previous highs. That means $2,500 gold and $150 silver at the very minimum, but more likely a parabolic ascent to $8,890 gold and $517 silver before all is said and done. Words: 1063
Read More »"Money Illusion" is Blinding You to Reality! Here's How
Despite the practical impossibility of real comparisons we know perfectly well that the value of a dollar or a pound, shekel, rouble or euro isn’t what it used to be...This fact, however, doesn’t stop us from almost exclusively focussing on how much money we have today rather than what it can purchase for us: we think about money in nominal terms rather than real ones [- and that is what is known as money illusion. Let me explain.] Words: 873
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