According to a recent Elliott Wave theory analysis gold is about to go parabolic reaching $3,495 in June 2013, $6,233 in April 2014, $10,899 in Sept. 2014, $18,712 in December 2014 and culminating in a parabolic peak price of $31,672 on January 16th, 2015! See the chart below. Words: 600
Read More »Alf Field: Gold Retested $1,650 as Expected and Now is on Move to $4,500 (+2K Views)
Gold it is still tracking well in line with Elliott Wave expectations [which foretold] a rally from the previous low followed by a further decline to [as low as $1,650 before going onwards and upwards. Let me explain the steps that brought me to that conclusion.] Words: 683
Read More »Don't Expect New Highs In Gold This Year
Gold has been in a bull market for over a decade, posting positive returns for 11 years in a row. However, there are good reasons to believe that gold will retreat in 2012 and disappoint a lot of gold bugs. [Let me explain.] Words: 725
Read More »Save Time: Read Today's 'Speak For Themselves' Headlines
Why Focus On These Headlines: This morning I have personally filtered them from over 1,200 articles covering the latest important economic and resource news. My intent is to help you be better informed while saving you time. Below are 5 such headlines with a brief overview.
Read More »Which Countries are Most Risky for Mining/Oil and Gas Companies? Here's the List
The Behre Dolbear Group has recently published its annual comparative country risk assessment of twenty-five countries that host the global mining industry. [If you own, or are thinking of buying, stocks of companies in this sector print, then I suggest you give the Report your full attention and pass this commentary on to friends, acquaintances and colleagues interested in the Resource Sector, and to your Investment Advisor. Words: 437
Read More »Campbell’s Critique: Some Gold Prognostications are Well Based, Some Much Less So – Here’s a Comparison (+2K Views)
When forecasting, many economists and commentators fail to focus on the dramatic change in inter-country dependence in our ever more globalized world...and fail to let the actual markets influence their views. Below I critique two articles, rationalizing what they see for the price of gold for the balance of 2012. Words: 730
Read More »Average American Workers Waste 26% of Every Workday! Here's What They Do
American workers are wasting 26% of every 8 hour workday - that's 2.09 hours - excluding lunch or scheduled break time! Who's wasting the most time, and what are they doing? Find out in this extremely informative infographic.
Read More »Spanish Prostitutes Tell Wealthy Bankers: "No Loans, No Lays"! Is This an Early April Fool's Day Spoof?
The largest association of luxury escorts in Spain - some costing as much as £250-an-hour - are reported to be boycotting their usual banker-clientele by refusing their erotic services until they start lending to the lower Spanish classes and SMEs (I assume this reference is to ‘small and medium business enterprises’). Sunday is April Fool's Day so is this really happening or is it just an early spoof? Read on... Words: 497
Read More »Canadians & Americans Take Note: Merger of North America Under a Regional Authority Slowly Evolving
The supposedly dead "Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America" proposal calling for the "integration" of Canada and Mexico with the U.S. into a North American monetary union complete with a new currency and a regional authority of governance seems to be alive and well and slowly evolving according to the original unofficial plan to bring it about. Below is more on these ominous plans which would adversely affect the sovereignty of each of the 3 countries involved. Words: 1685
Read More »Campbell: Balanced Opinions Regarding Gold & Silver are Paramount – Here’s Why
If you hold, or are considering holding, physical gold or silver or both, [it is imperative that you] read as many 'balanced opinions' as you possibly can with respect to ownership of each. [Here's why]. Words: 337
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