Wednesday , 23 October 2024

Are the Millennials the Best Generation Ever?

The Millennials are the latest -and some would say, greatest – generation to emerge in America. Currently defined as those between the ages of 18 and 29, Millennials have many recognizable characteristics that researchers have deemed typical of the generation: optimism, tech-savvy, liberal leanings, and a solid educational background. [In fact,] a whopping 50% of those in college (40% of Millennials] say they plan on entering graduate programs afterwards. It could be a sign of the tough financial times, or just evidence of the remarkable smarts and ambition that define this generation – or perhaps it’s a little of both. Are the Millennials the best generation ever? Let’s take a look.



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Additional Infographics:
Recent research by PayScale has revealed that the average ROI for U.S. university graduates (693 schools surveyed) is $387,501 over a 30-year period. 6 of the universities generated a return on investment for its graduates in excess of $1.6 million.
Graduating from college can be an exciting and stressful time. Suddenly you need to find a job, replay loans and make solid financial decisions. Fortunately, you don’t need to be unprepared. Below are some budgeting basics to keep your spending under control, some suggestions on how to set financial goals and a list of the top 10 American cities for starting out.

3. facebook, twitter, LinkedIn, Google+: Who Uses Each & Should You?

More than 66% of adults are connected to one or more social media platforms, but who exactly are these people? This is a question every business must answer before embracing social media and our infographic below provides a look at the statistics behind some of the most popular social media platforms.