Wednesday , 8 January 2025

Lorimer Wilson

MarketWatch Posts the Most Deceptive and Dangerous Financial Headline – EVER! Here's Why

MarketWatch's headine last Friday read You Have to Play to Win: U.S. stocks' stellar performance so far in 2012 is remarkable in part for the enemic trading volumns that have accompanied Wall Street's rise, and those on the sidelines, as with the lottery, stand no chance. I believe that this may be the single most deceptive and dangerous financial headline I have ever seen published by such an influential provider of financial information. [Let me explain why I think that is the case.] Words: 1232

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We Are Heading Deeper and Deeper Into Fiscal Insanity! Here's Why

The definition of insanity is to continue doing something that goes wrong, without contemplating that there could be a different course of action...[and we] are heading deeper and deeper into insanity...we are just getting deeper and deeper into problems leaving our children and grandchildren with loans that could well take decades to finish (paying) off. I fear we are now stoking up the conditions, at some point in the future, for serious inflation.

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Sprott: Current HUI Level Spells O-P-P-O-R-T-U-N-I-T-Y

Before we end the year we will hit new highs in both [gold and silver]. Then the mining stocks [will] react. The big problem has been [to date has been that] there is not this momentum in the prices of bullion, which is keeping people away from the gold stocks. If we can get the price of gold and silver going back up, I’m sure people will come back into the mining stocks.

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U.S. "Deficit Disorder" Means Broken Promises + Even More QE! Here’s Why (+2K Views)

One of the problems with the debate over the “national debt” is that there’s no generally agreed upon definition of that term. Is it what the federal government owes, or what it owes foreigners, or what the whole country, private and public sector together, owes? Does it include off-balance-sheet items and contingent liabilities? There’s a hundred-trillion dollar gap between lowest and highest on this spectrum, which allows each commentator to confuse the rest of us by picking the measure that best suits their point of view. [Let's try to decipher the true state of the nation.] Words: 1468

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Are the Millennials the Best Generation Ever?

The Millennials are the latest -and some would say, greatest – generation to emerge in America. Currently defined as those between the ages of 18 and 29, Millennials have many recognizable characteristics that researchers have deemed typical of the generation: optimism, tech-savvy, liberal leanings, and a solid educational background. [In fact,] a whopping 50% of those in college (40% of Millennials] say they plan on entering graduate programs afterwards. It could be a sign of the tough financial times, or just evidence of the remarkable smarts and ambition that define this generation - or perhaps it’s a little of both. Are the Millennials the best generation ever? Let's take a look.

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Believe It Or Not, Dramatic Changes to U.S. Governship & Personal Conduct Coming by Year-end!

Dear Citizens of America: In light of your failure to financially manage yourselves and also, in recent years, your tendency to elect Presidents and Senators who demonstrate an ineptitude to govern you, we hereby give notice of the revocation of your independence. Effective July 4th, 2012 Her Sovereign Majesty Queen Elizabeth II will resume monarchical duties over all American states, commonwealths, and territories. Words: 1477

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Around this point in the fractal cycle in the late 70’s, Gold busted out of its channel to rise sharply higher, along with Silver. Silver’s channel top will lie up around $68 to $70 over the coming months which we believe will be reached in 2012. The next higher angled resistance bands for Silver run from $112 to $115, and then up at the $123 area. By the end of the Silver Bull, we expect to see Silver reach $500+. Words: 1765

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