If wealth preservation investors get out of their stocks and buy silver, they are likely to avoid the most massive wealth destruction in the next few years. Let me explain.
Read More »Knowledge = Money: Check Out munKNEE.com’s Market Intelligence Report
Each day hundreds of financial, economic, investment and gold/silver articles are personally reviewed with only the most informative and thought-provoking being selected for our free bi-weekly Market Intelligence Report. Take a look.
Today everything must be dumbed down to the lowest common denominator of readers or viewers... Any news must be superficial and short. Most content must have an entertainment or gossip value. All serious matters are either left out or covered very briefly. We are now in the age of instant gratification. Viewers’ interest can only be kept by short superficial language, lots of big images and constant change of focus. No one is really interested in the truth but, nevertheless, here it is!
Read More »What To Look for When Choosing a Junior Mining Company (+4K Views)
In mining exploration, an “anomaly” is a geological formation that might attract a prospector’s interest. However, one rule of thumb is that you have to look at 1,000 anomalies to find one prospect and fewer than one prospect in a thousand turns into a mine. In other words, finding a mine is a million-to-one shot and that is one reason why junior mining stocks are highly speculative. Another reason is that it’s much easier to launch and promote one of these stocks than it is to build a profitable business. So junior mines attract more than their share of unscrupulous operators and stock promoters. Words: 504
Read More »What Lower Tax Rates Would (and Would Not) Mean For the U.S. Economy (+2K Views)
The media is full of stories claiming that lower tax rates will cause a huge and damaging increase in the federal deficit and will fail to stimulate the economy. Here are 10 charts which show that those claims are not backed by historical experience.
Read More »Fear Mongers or Prophets? Here’s What Some Say (+2K Views)
In the business of financial journalism, nothing sells better than fear - all-out financial, economic devastation and collapse, and the worst of all possible scenarios crouching on your doorstep ready to jump out and get you at any moment. Welcome to the doom-and-gloom “financial-tainment” industry. Get comfortable and start reading these highly addictive, sensationally-driven, doom-and-gloom financial commentaries and ask yourself if they are just fear mongering or could well be prophetic in their forecasts.
Read More »This Small Move Could Send a Tidal Wave of Money into Gold Stocks (+2K Views)
If some of the world’s largest investment funds decided to make even a small increase in their allocation to physical gold and gold stocks it would be like trying to drain Niagara Falls with a fire hose. Just a small percentage increase in allocation towards gold and gold stocks among global fund managers would make gold stocks double… and then double again… and double again.
Read More »These 12 Charts Say: “Don’t Take On Oversized Risks OR Cash In All Your Chips Either” (2K Views)
Is the market overly complacent? Overly optimistic? Absurdly cheap or expensive? A great buy on dips? "No" is the best answer to all these questions, in my view. Now is not a time to take on oversized risks, but neither is it a time to cash in all your chips. Let me explain with the help of the 12 charts below.
Read More »These 6 Charts Say: “What’s Going On In the U.S. Economy & Market Is Neither Unprecedented Nor Extraordinary” (+4K Views)
Take note: what's going on today in the economy and in the markets is not unprecedented or extraordinary. Below are 6 charts to support said contention:
Read More »4 Red Flags That Your Retirement Plan May Be Off Track (+2K Views)
How prepared are you for retirement? Take a look at the following potential unpreparedness indicators. After reviewing them, if you don't see any concerns, you may, indeed, be headed down the right path toward retirement. However, if you do, it'll be far better to address them now while you're still gainfully employed.
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