Thursday , 27 March 2025

What Would USD Collapse Mean for the World? (+29K Views)

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I came to the conclusion several years ago that it was just a matter of time before theeconomic-collapse world realized that the relative functionality of the U.S. dollar was about to go belly up – to collapse.

This version* of the original article by Chris Laird has been edited ([ ]), restructured and abridged (…) by 71% for a FASTER – and easier – read.]

[Below is an explanation as to why I have come to the above conclusion and what I think it would mean for the well-being of the world.]

Were the USD to actually collapse…the entire structure of the world economy would collapse for a period of time…[and] go through cataclysms politically during that period. That usually leads to massive wars, starvation and mass homelessness around the world.

What Would Happen in a USD Collapse?

1. The U.S. and Western economies would all face insolvency simultaneously...

2. The entire Western industrial/consumer/credit economy would fall apart so fast it would make your head spin. The supply chain would stop and stores would empty quickly.

3. The USD would fall over 50% in one week’s time and then temporarily stabilize before its final last gasp

4. Worldwide currency panic would set in paralyzing what’s left of the world economy which means the ‘emerging markets’ would stop dead too.

5. China would have a revolution, or go into military mode, which would be even worse.

6. A one-world currency would be demanded – and implemented.

7. Asia would fare horribly…If Western consumerism goes away, then the entire foundation of the Asia macro economy would instantly crash and stop cold…


It would be a dark time worldwide…

(*The author’s views and conclusions are unaltered and no personal comments have been included to maintain the integrity of the original article. Furthermore, the views, conclusions and any recommendations offered in this article are not to be construed as an endorsement of such by the editor.)


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10. Exodus From U.S. Dollar Has Begun – Got Gold?

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11. What the Heck is Going on With the Dollar and “Fear”?

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12. Implications of Declining Dollar Will Be Major

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  1. If this article is correct then there MIGHT be civil unrest here is the US. Then there will be WAR!

  2. It is worth noting that China has recently initiated the Pan Asian Gold Exchange; an exchange that has the integrity of having physical gold freely traded in the open market . . . and the only current measure in place that could replace the US dollar as the world currency reserve.

  3. I’m taking my gold and moving out of the US! There’s some place surely one could go if the government don’t prevent people from leaving the states. Canada sounds like a good place to be. I just don’t want to be here when that scary stuff happens that’s for sure.

    I think this dollar collapsing may be all planned, though. A new order of government and world currency.

  4. Kenneth Rechtstein

    The U$D will only collapse if the FED RESERVE, the ROTSCHILDS and Israel want it to collapse… as a part of a bigger and devious scheme, through which they can make MORE MONEY and/or increase their shares of ownership of the USA and Europe…

    That’s the way the Zion Talmudic Mafia works, and it’s the Zion Talmudic Mafia that controls the MONEY, the monetary and financial policy world wide…

    Nothing happening with the U$D or the Euro, including playing one against the other is casual: All has been planned and staged to take place at the precise moment chosen by the chosen ones, impoverisher the hard working people, getting themselves filthy rich and more powerful in the process. They control the both the primary, secondary and parallel Markets, financial banks/investment banks, and so they do with the Central Banks and the BIS in Zürich.