Friday , 14 March 2025

The Silver Series: Silver as an Investment (Part 3)

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Silver has had double digit gains in 7 of the last 10 years.  In this infographic, we look at the investment properties of silver as well as its chief differences with gold.  Highlights include a study on silver correlation, volatility, performance against the US Dollar and money supply, and  portfolio diversification.

So says an introduction to the following infographic* by Part 1 and Part 2 were also brought to you courtesy of (A site for sore eyes and inquisitive minds) and (Your Key to Making Money!). This paragraph must be included in any article re-posting to avoid copyright infringement.

Silver infographic


Other Infographics on Silver:

1. The Silver Series (Part 2): Supply & Demand

Of the 1040.6 million troy oz of silver produced in 2011, 84% was used in over 10,000 modern industrial applications (16% used as an investment) of which approx. 33% was used in the traditional forms of fabrication such as jewelry, coins, medals, and silverware with the remaining 66% actually being consumed. While the actual amount is unknown, some experts believe as much as 90-95% of all the silver ever mined has been ‘lost’ to landfills.  For this reason, there is likely less silver available above ground than gold (98% of all gold is accounted for today). For more interesting information regarding the supply of, and demand for, silver please refer to the infographic below.

2. Part 1: The History of Silver As a Currency – and More

Silver has thousands of industrial uses and is considered a store of wealth by investors. The infographic below illustrates silver’s history as a currency in the past and as an essential component in industry and technology today.

Related Articles:

1. Silver: Another Decade of 500% Returns is Very Possible – Here’s Why

Silver has given returns of 584% in the last ten years and this article discusses the reasons for believing that silver can produce another decade of over 500% returns. Words: 954; Charts: 7

2. Availability Of, and Demand For, Silver vs. Gold Suggests MUCH Higher Future Prices for Silver

3. Silver: 5 Forces That Should Help Polish Off the Tarnish & Propel It Higher

4. 20 Reasons Why a Significant % of Your Investment Portfolio Should Be In Silver

I believe that silver could go to $60 per troy ounce by the end of 2014….I also believe silver will be the best single investment of this decade. The following article is focused on why I think you should seriously consider having a significant percentage of your investment portfolio in silver. Words: 1600

5. Why You Should Now Invest in Silver vs. Gold

The price of silver is going to go much, much higher – much higher – over the next decade [relative to gold according to Jim Rogers and I concur. Below are 5 solid reasons why I believe that is the case.] Words: 767

6. Gold:Silver Ratio Suggests MUCH Higher Price of Silver in Next Few Years

7. Goldrunner: Silver to Rocket to $60 – $68 and Then Much Higher

8.  Alf Field Sees Silver Reaching $158.34 Based on His $4,500 Gold Projection!

9. Silver’s Price Could Outpace That of Gold – Here’s Why

10. I’m A Crazy Silver Bug…Why Aren’t You?!!

11. Gold: What Does a “Troy” Ounce or “18/24 Karat” Gold Really Mean?

You have no doubt read countless articles on the price of gold costing “x dollars per ounce” and possibly own a gold ring or some other piece of  gold jewellery but do you really understand exactly what you are buying? What’s the difference between 1 troy ounce of gold and 1 (regular) ounce? What’s the difference between 18 and 10 karat gold? Let me explain. Words: 637

12. Moolman: Long-Term Chart Suggests Silver Will Comfortably Pass $150 By End of 2013

13. Silver Will Go to $50 and Then Explode Dramatically Higher! Here’s Why

14. The Dollar is Toast! The Future is Silver

15. David Morgan: Gold to Go Up 10-20% in 2013; Silver By a Good 30%

According to David Morgan 2013 will be a bullish year in which a new leg up will start with gold going up 10% to 20% and silver a good 30%. That leg up is starting right now, although we probably will not see a substantial acceleration in the leg up like we saw in the first part of 2011 but, obviously, as soon as $50 is crossed an acceleration can be expected. [Morgan explains his position in article excerpts below.] Words: 912

16. Silver Projected to Reach $100/ozt. As Soon As Late 2015! Here’s My Rationale

17. What You Need to Know Before Investing in Silver

I believe there is more opportunity in the silver market over the next two years relative to gold and, as such I’m now advocating accumulating a large overweight position in silver relative to gold because, over the long-term, there is such a great demand vs. supply situation developing….Before investing in silver, however, there are a number very important things that you must understand about the silver market. Let me explain. Words: 899

18. The Top 10 Silver Producing Countries & Companies – and Investment Options