Friday , 14 March 2025

Gold $5,000 & Silver $200? Market Reality Is Not Until… (+2K Views)

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So many  headlines are saying “$5,000 Gold; $10,000 Gold; Silver, The Investment171686-gold-silver-bars of the Decade;” etc, etc, etc.  Will that happen?  A history of failed fiat currencies says “yes”. When will it happen?  That is the question few articles address because they simply have no clue, beyond their sensationalized headlines. Who can best answer that question?  It is not “who can”, but “what can”, and that comes from the market itself – ever the most reliable source.  The answers may not always satisfy, but the market is never wrong [and this is what the market is saying]. Words: 590

So writes Michael Noonan ( in edited excerpts from his original article* entitled Gold And Silver – Where Is The Rally?  What Is Missing?.

This article is presented compliments of (A site for sore eyes and inquisitive minds) and (Your Key to Making Money!) and may have been edited ([ ]), abridged (…) and/or reformatted (some sub-titles and bold/italics emphases) for the sake of clarity and brevity to ensure a fast and easy read. Please note that this paragraph must be included in any article re-posting to avoid copyright infringement.

Noonan goes on to say in further edited excerpts:

What can be said with certainty is that before gold and silver can go up, they first have to stop going down.


  • the dire headlines about failed currencies and countries;
  • the purported PM shortages;
  • the lack of available physical metal to fulfill futures/ETF contact obligations;
  • the huge purchases by China, India, and Russia;
  • the Western countries over-hypothecating gold holdings;
  • the empty central bank vaults;
  • the tungsten-filled bars being delivered,

you name it, are well-known by controlling market forces.  It has all been stated, restated, then stated again, yet the current price of gold and silver do not reflect these “realities.” Why? Because consideration is not being given to those in power and their ability to hold onto that power, at all costs.

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The outright lies being fed to the world’s public, at least in Europe and the United States, continue to dominate headlines by the bought-and-paid-for television and print media.  Where is the outrage?  What little there is comes from the relatively small community of “fringe” bloggers – the best truth-tellers – and those who have been consistently buying physical gold and silver. Unfortunately, they are no match for the powerful forces that will destroy whatever gets in their way, be it a country drowning in debt, salvaging it with yet more debt, or the debasing of one’s own fiat currency, to keep the lie alive. Right now, the lies are winning.  They have to, in order for central bankers to keep power over everyone and everything else.

Until you start seeing currencies collapse…$5,000 or $10,000 gold and $200 or more silver are not [going to be] in the picture, and the charts are telling you as much.  Yes, price is being manipulated by four primary large banks each and every day…[but to suggest that] the exchange prices do not reflect the realities of the market is [just] not true.  The reality is that the manipulators are still in charge, and for as long as they are, the price of gold and silver will remain where they are.  Were it otherwise, you would see the price of gold and silver considerably higher.

For now, the market is saying the suppression of the price of gold and silver is alive and well.  The operative words are: “For now.”  Until you start seeing price move higher, the market is sending the message that precious metals are locked into a protracted trading range….Sentiment and bias aside, the market is telling a story that differs from the PM community’s beliefs and expectations, at least for now, and that is reality.

Trading ranges last until they stop, and this one has not yet stopped…The market is at a critical juncture, and it will provide us with some valuable information based on how price develops, starting next week.

To see all the charts, starting with weekly gold, including detailed explanations go HERE.

Editor’s Note: The author’s views and conclusions are unaltered and no personal comments have been included to maintain the integrity of the original article. Furthermore, the views, conclusions and any recommendations offered in this article are not to be construed as an endorsement of such by the editor.

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< noscript>”gold-bar5″

< noscript>”gold-bar5″I am not predicting a future price of gold or the date that gold will trade at $4,000, but I am making a projection based on rational analysis that indicates a likely time period for gold to trade at $4,000 per troy ounce. Yes, $4,000 gold is completely plausible if you assume the following:

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There is a high probability that the correction in the gold price that started in early October at $1797 has been completed. Once $1800 is taken out on the upside the gold chart will look tremendous. A beautiful “cup and handle” base would then provide strong support for a vigorous upward climb in the precious metal. At this stage there is no reason to abandon the rough target of $4500 for this coming upward wave. [Below is my analysis and some charts on the situation.] Words: 434; Charts: 2

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11. Goldrunner: Gold’s Extremely Bullish Backdrop Setting Stage for Run to $2,050, Then $2,400, Then $4,500 and Ultimately $10,000-12,000!


Our subscription service provides detailed technical analysis of where the price of gold, silver and precious metal stocks are going short term (in the next week or two), intermediate term (within the next 3-6 months) and long term (the ultimate top) in each stage of their respective bull runs. This service comes with detailed charting based on conventional technical analysis and our proprietary fractal analysis based on the ’70s. Below are some of our latest comments and rationale for expected price movements in gold without illustative charts which are only available to subscribers. Words: 1000

12. New Analysis Suggests a Parabolic Rise in Price of Gold to $4,380/ozt.


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< p>< p>< noscript>”gold-bars4″According to my 2000 calculations, if interest rates and inflation stay constant over the next 2 years, we could expect to see (with 95.2% certainty) a parabolic peak price for gold of $4,380 per troy ounce by then! Let me explain what assumptions I made and the methods I undertook to arrive at that number and you can decide just how realistic it is. Words: 740

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The closing of the gold window back in August 1971 has led governments worldwide to create endless amounts of worthless paper money and the resulting credit bubble has created a world debt exposure of over US$ 1 quadrillion (including derivatives). It has also created perceived wealth for big parts of the world’s population – a wealth which is only backed by promises to pay and by   grossly inflated assets. Few people realise that this wealth is totally illusory and will implode considerably faster than the time it took to create it.  [Let me explain.] Words: 890

14. Goldrunner: Price Target of $10,000 to $12,000 for Gold Still Holds


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< p>< p>< noscript>”gold-bars4″

< p>< p>< noscript>”gold-bars4″My Fractal Gold chart work is a direct comparison of Gold, today, to the late 70’s Gold Parabola.  Thus, “timing” is taken directly from the late 70’s cycle, with price targets created from a combination of the late 70’s Gold price and different technical analysis techniques.  We developed a price target back in 2006/ 2007 for Gold to reach the $10,000 to $12,000 range during this Gold Bull and we still stand by that forecast. Let me explain where we are at this point in time.

15. Nick Barisheff: $10,000 Gold is Coming! Here’s Why


< p>< p>< noscript>”gold-bars4″

< p>< p>< noscript>”gold-bars4″

< p>< p>< noscript>”gold-bars4″

< p>< p>< noscript>”gold-bars4″

< p>< p>< noscript>”gold-bars4″

< p>< p>< noscript>”gold-bars4″This is not a typical bull market. Gold is not rising in value, but instead, currencies are losing purchasing power against gold and, therefore, gold can rise as high as currencies can fall. Since currencies are falling because of increasing debt, gold can rise as high as government debt can grow. Based on official estimates, America’s debt is projected to reach $23 trillion in 2015 and, if its correlation with the price of gold remains the same, the indicated gold price would be $2,600 per ounce. However, if history is any example, it’s a safe bet that government expenditure estimates will be greatly exceeded, and [this] rising debt will cause the price of gold to rise to $10,000…over the next five years. (Let me explain further.] Words: 1767

16. Gold’s Recent Price Action Suggests Ultimate Top of $5,000/ozt.

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< p>< p>< noscript>””The correlation between the gold price from 1968 until 1979 and from early 2000 until today is an amazing 89.65%! More specifically, the correlation from 1975 until April 1979 and from January 2008 until today is an astonishing 97.83% suggesting that gold will reach an ultimate top of $5,000 per troy ounce before the bubble bursts. Words: 330

17. The Future Price of Gold and the 2% Factor

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< p>< p>< noscript>””It is my contention that the price of gold rallies whenever the U.S. dollar’s real short-term interest rate is below 2%, falls whenever the real short rate is above 2%, and holds steady at the equilibrium rate of 2%. Furthermore, for every one percentage point real rates differ from 2%, gold moves by eight times that amount per year. So if the real rates are at 1%, gold will move up at an 8% annualized rate. If real rates are at 0%, then gold will move up at a 16% rate (that’s been about the story for the past decade). Conversely, if the real rate jumps to 3%, then gold will drop at an 8% rate. [Let me explain.] Words: 982

18. Gold Will Reach $3,000/$4,000/$5,000 Before This Bull Market Is Over! Here are 12 Factors Why

gold bars and coins

I believe that the price of gold will… reach… $3,000, $4,000, and even $5,000 [per troy] ounce…during the course of this long-lasting bull market, a bull market that still has years of life left to it…[although] prices will remain extremely volatile – with big swings both up and down along a rising trend…The future price of gold is a function of past and prospective world economic, demographic, and political developments [and in this article] I review some of these developments and trends – so that you can come to your own “golden” conclusions. Words: 3800

19. Gold Miners Have Hit Rock Bottom Bargain Value – Now’s the Ultimate Buying Opportunity!

gold mining

Looking at the recent Gold Miners price action and crash-like conditions, I cannot hide my excitement. As we judge the recent cyclical bear market within the longer term secular uptrend, we can see that Gold Miners are becoming very attractive. Whether it is the technically oversold levels that only occur a handful of times over a generation, the rock bottom valuations on nominal or relative basis, or the extreme sentiment that the overall sector is going through, all of these indicators point to one conclusion: we are fast approaching a major buying opportunity. [I support that contention below with the use of 8 charts and a full explanation of each.] Words: 1133; Charts: 8

20. Check Out These Major Differences Between the HUI, XAU & GDX

gold mining

The number, market cap and currencies of the constituents of the HUI, XAU, GDX, XGD and CDNX indices differ considerably from each other and, as such, each index presents a different picture of what is really happening in the precious metals marketplace. This article analyzes the make-up of each index to reveal the biases of each to arrive at the answer to the question in the title. Words: 1026

21. “Follow Me” Says Analyst Who Claims a String of +500% Winners in the Junior Mining Sector Over the Past 10 Years


…Even in these challenging times there have been many great winners in the natural resource sector. I have been fortunate, lucky or smart to have racked up some nice gains through the years. I have been consistently picking winners, big winners, monster winners for years – a string of 10 years of 500% plus winners and more, sometimes much more, year after year – …[so] my message to you is simple: follow me! Your only question should be “Which of my current positions will be the next big winners?” Words: 804; Table: 1

22. New Junior Silver Miners/Explorers ETF Hanging Tough – Check It Out


As with most small cap sectors, someone approaching silver juniors faces a lack of good information and massive company-specific risk that cries out for either months of in-depth research or immediate diversification….Madison NJ Pure Funds hopes to solve that problem by offering instant exposure to 26 names with the introduction of their PureFunds ISE Junior Silver Small Cap Miners Explorers ETF (SILJ). Words: 290; Table: 1

23. With Gold Stocks Suffering So Badly Should You Sell Out or Buy In?

gold nugget

Gold stocks are down between 20% and 30% over the past year yet, in that same timeframe, the price of the gold has risen. As a result, sentiment toward gold stocks is pitiful. Even diehard gold bugs are tired of losing money in gold stocks and have been dumping their shares in disgust. This article discusses 4 main reasons I can think of why gold stocks might be so cheap. Words: 444

24. Finally the Final Bottom in Gold Stocks Is Coming – Finally!

gold mining

The mining stocks have been a disaster if you’ve invested in the average fund, GDX or GDXJ and if you’ve invested in the wrong stocks, they’ve been a total disaster and you will now hate the sector forever. We’ve certainly been surprised by this protracted struggle. In my articles you’ve heard me talk about accumulating on weakness, buying support, being patient and waiting for better opportunities. Folks, this next week is one of those opportunities. The gold stocks are setting up similarly to the bottom in 2005 [and, as such,] are set to test a major bottom and could be on the cusp of a major reversal.  Let me explain. Words: 438; Charts: 3

25. Goldrunner Update: Gold, Silver & PM Stock Sentiment Sucks BUT the Fundamentals Are Off the Wall!


Sentiment in the precious metals sector is in the toilet yet the fundamentals for the sector are off the walls positive.  That is not secret, but it is what creates huge market moves in the direction of the fundamentals. In fact, market management will never move price against the underlying fundamentals for too long a period of time.

26. Gold Bulls Shouldn’t Buy Gold Stocks!


With the Bank of Japan’s latest move to fight deflation and seemingly to start another round of global competitive currency devaluation, it…makes sense to hold some gold in a portfolio. However, I remain of the opinion that it makes no sense for gold bulls to hold gold stocks over bullion. [This article explains why that is the case.] Words: 281

27. The Good News – and Bad – Regarding Gold, Silver & PM Stocks Going Forward


As we begin 2013, there has been an important shift in regards to precious metals…the decoupling that has taken place between the equity market and the precious metals complex…[which] began nearly 17 months ago (decouplings of three or six months are not significant). Since the Euro crisis in summer 2011, the equity market has rallied nearly 30% and reached a five-year high, but gold stocks are down by more than 30%…[and, as such,]  precious metals cannot begin an impulsive sustained bull move if the equity market continues to move higher. The equity market has to struggle with resistance and begin a mild cyclical bear move. While over the near-term precious metals can confirm a higher low, the 2013 success of the sector depends on the struggles of conventional stocks. [This article explains why that is the case and uses several charts to illustrate the point.] Words: 899

28. Here’s An Easy Way to Identify Gold & Gold Miner Market Tops and Bottoms


It’s amazing! Every day I learn something new. I have just come across a very powerful tool that identifies market tops and bottoms in both the gold price and the gold mining industry valuation. Let me share it with you. Words: 352; Charts: 4

29. Keep the Faith – This Bull Market in Gold STILL Promises to Be One for the History Books! Here’s Why


Seeing the S&P 500 outperform gold and seeing gold stocks get decimated…has been enough to create suicidal sentiment…in the precious metals (PM) sector…but, as the many calls for an end of the PM bull market…[are expressed,] the risk in the PM sector gets lower and lower. The bigger picture hasn’t changed and isn’t going to for some time [so] keep the faith and hold onto your PM sector items tight. Don’t let the short and intermediate-term noise distract you from what STILL promises to be a secular bull market for the history books. The Dow to Gold ratio will hit 2 and might even go below 1 this cycle. [Let me explain.] Words: 873

30. Gold Stocks Go Up Dramatically In Inauguration Years – Will Another +20% Increase Occur This Year?


President Obama will be sworn into office for a second term on January 21 and that’s good news if you own gold stocks. Why? Because gold stocks, [as represented by the XAU] have increased, on average, by 20% during inaugural years since 1985 (28% in 2005; 36% in 2003). While there’s no real rhyme or reason as to why gold stocks thrive in inauguration years – statistical anomaly or otherwise – it is yet another reason to buy gold stocks right now. Words: 312; Charts: 1

One comment

  1. To debt management, get ready to be impressed both with the articles and the links provided!

    Big changes in PM’s “value” will occur when global events “happen”, and trying to identify exactly when that is, is not like looking up similar events in history books.

    For me the bottom line is that such events WILL happen and those that have be planning ahead will probably do much better than those that have not.

    I suggest you become a PM “prepper”, you have nothing to lose except some interest!