Friday , 26 July 2024

Tag Archives: U.S. dollar

Fed's Actions Are a Path to Ruin NOT Prosperity! Here's Why

Currency wars arise when a country steals growth from trading partners by cheapening its currency to promote exports. The new currency war began in 2010 when President Obama declared in his State of the Union address that it was the policy of the United States to double exports in five years. Since the U.S. would not become twice as productive in five years, the implication was the U.S. would severely cheapen its currency to achieve this goal. [Let me expand upon this.] Words: 666

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John Williams: U.S. Edging Closer to Collapse

At present, the underlying fundamentals could not be much worse for the U.S. dollar. Beyond trade, the key factors, relative to other major currencies, could not be much worse. Despite any political and financial hype in the markets, the U.S. economy is relatively weaker, interest rates are lower, inflation is higher and fiscal policy and political stability all are relatively much worse than are seen relative to the other major currencies.

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Pento: Looming Debt Market Collapse to Destroy the Dollar

For the uniformed on Wall Street and in Washington, the growing tide of red ink is a signal that America is returning to normalcy. The only problem with that is our so called ‘normalcy’ is rapidly leading us into insolvency. The sad truth is that our desire to consume foreign made goods, with money that is borrowed, is evidence that our country is growing weaker by the day.

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Gold & Silver: THE Answers to Escalating Financial Doom

Every fiat currency known to man has failed at one time or another - every one - and ours will be no exception! What factors are contributing to this eventuality and what can be done to protect ourselves from this impending event? [Let me explain and provide you with links to 37 supportive articles to give you a complete picture of what is unfolding and why.] Words: 2700

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2 Misguided Assertions About Gold – Read On Mr. Buffett!

In which form would you prefer to hold your monetary savings -- in the form of money that banks can create in unlimited amounts out of nothing, or in the form of a metal that has been used as money for thousands of years and whose supply never increases by more than 2% from one year to the next? The answer...isn't necessarily straightforward [as] a lot depends on the policies being implemented at the time by central banks and governments [- but let me try.] Words: 1300

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Creating More Inflation is Now the Official Policy of the Fed

The Fed is completely convinced that without an inexorably rising rate of inflation there won’t be enough money made available to finance our rapidly increasing national debt. [As such, they have just] disclosed that they now have an inflation goal of at least two percent . As a result, we are stuck with a perpetually decreasing standard of living, a middle class that is on the endangered species list and provided the holders of U.S. dollars a target rate for its destruction...[Indeed,] Bernanke’s actions are so destructive to savers that I’m sure if he were a broker, he would be telling his clients to buy more gold.

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World Gold Council Report: A Look Back – A Look Forward

What a year for gold in 2011! It was up 9% in US dollar price terms and even more so in most other currencies; outperformed a large number of asset classes reinforcing its role as a foundation asset in portfolio construction; provided liquidity when investors needed it the most, acting as a risk management vehicle [and] served as a currency hedge throughout the year, in particular against the US dollar;...[and] gold fundamentals of supply and demand were robust [ which should remain so in 2112]. Words: 1530

Read More »'s Most Read "Best of the Best" Articles in 2011

This post initiates what I hope will become a multi-year tradition of listing what, according to readers, were the most read articles from a longer term perspective which makes all of them still VERY relevent today. Interestingly, the 12 most popular articles as determined by you, the visitor, covered the full spectrum of what covers, i.e. the Economy; the Financial Crisis; the U.S. Dollar and the future of Gold and Silver. Introductory paragraphs and links to each article are provided in descending order of popularity. Enjoy!

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