Thursday , 24 October 2024

Creating More Inflation is Now the Official Policy of the Fed

The Fed is completely convinced that without an inexorably rising rate of inflation there won’t be enough money made available to finance our rapidly increasing national debt. [As such, they have just] disclosed that they now have an inflation goal of at least two percent . As a result, we are stuck with a perpetually decreasing standard of living, a middle class that is on the endangered species list and provided the holders of U.S. dollars a target rate for its destruction…[Indeed,] Bernanke’s actions are so destructive to savers that I’m sure if he were a broker, he would be telling his clients to buy more gold.

So says Michael Pento ( in edited excerpts from an interview he had recently with King World News entitled “Gold Spikes as the Fed Provides Target for Dollar Destruction” where it can be read in its entirety.

Lorimer Wilson, editor of (A site for sore eyes and inquisitive minds) and (Your Key to Making Money!) edited ([ ]) and abridged (…) the opening paragraph for the sake of clarity and brevity. Please note that this paragraph must be included in any article re-posting to avoid copyright infringement.

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5. Coming Inflation to Make U.S. Dollar Not Only Worth Less – But Worthless!

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6. News Flash! The Fed Has Declared That It MUST Create Inflation! Got Gold?

In… September’s Federal Open Market Committee minutes, the Fed officially announced that … “Unless … underlying inflation moved back toward a level consistent with the Committee’s mandate, they would consider it appropriate to take action soon” and take “… possible steps to affect inflation expectations.” That’s Fed-speak for a MANDATE TO CREATE INFLATION! Words: 694

7. The Fed MUST Inflate Away Debt or Default So MAJOR Inflation IS Coming!

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8. Major Changes in Inflation, Interest Rates, ‘Taxes’ and U.S. Dollar Coming

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9. Gold Price Keeps Going Higher As U.S. Debt Keeps Increasing – Got Gold?


Will our National Debt be trillions higher than today in a few years? If you think the answer is yes, than buying physical gold today is a good idea. It’s that simple. Just look at the chart. Words: 140

10. Here’s Proof: Global Central Bankers are Driving Up the Price of Gold!

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11. Why are Central Banks Buying Gold?

Central banks have pulled 635 tonnes of gold – the largest withdrawal in more than a decade – from the Bank for International Settlements in the past year and, as such, begs the question: If central banks [supposedly] believe in the value of paper money and their ability to create wealth by printing it then why are they loading up on Gold? The answer is simple: they see the writing on the wall [and that begs an even more important question: Shouldn’t you?]…Words: 600

12. The Future Price of Gold and the 2% Factor

It is my contention that the price of gold rallies whenever the U.S. dollar’s real short-term interest rate is below 2%, falls whenever the real short rate is above 2%, and holds steady at the equilibrium rate of 2%. Furthermore, for every one percentage point real rates differ from 2%, gold moves by eight times that amount per year. So if the real rates are at 1%, gold will move up at an 8% annualized rate. If real rates are at 0%, then gold will move up at a 16% rate (that’s been about the story for the past decade). Conversely, if the real rate jumps to 3%, then gold will drop at an 8% rate. [Let me explain.] Words: 982

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