Friday , 26 July 2024

Tag Archives: U.S. dollar

Goldrunner: These Fundamental Charts Say “Gold Is Getting Ready to Run!”

The U.S. Dollar is being very aggressively devalued in a parabolic...[manner] as we enter the final stage in the paper currency cycle. The government needs Gold to go vastly higher so the budget can be balanced after all of the paper promise debts are added to the balance sheet. Interestingly, Michael Belkin, arguably one of the best analysts in the world, expects earnings for companies to plunge this year causing the DJIA to crater about 30%. This fits with the kind of correction in the now high flying DJIA that we have discussed per the late 70’s charts where Gold and the Dow would meet between 10,000 and 12.000. Words: 1022

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The USD & U.S. Dollar Index – What Affect Are They Having On the Price of Gold?

The U.S. Dollar Index is made up of a basket of [6] currencies that are, themselves, not static and, indeed, are involved in various forms of debasement as nations have taken the view that a weaker currency will boost their exports. As each nation enacts such policies, the result is gridlock, as every action taken to weaken one's currency is neutralized by a similar action taken by the competing currencies. That is currently what is happening with the constituents of the U.S. Dollar Index and why, as such, the U.S. dollar has not weakened. [Given the fact that] gold tends to have an inverse relationship with the dollar, and has increased when the value of the dollar has declined, we could, as a result, continue to see a capping in the advance of gold prices, at least in dollar terms. [Let me explain in further detail.] Words: 804; Charts: 1

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It Soon Will Be Decision Time for the U.S. Dollar Index – Which Way Will It Go?

The U.S. Dollar has lost over a third of its value inside a 10-year falling channel as it continues to create a series of lower highs while holding on to a small rising support line. The question now is whether the U.S. Dollar Index will gain enough strength to break out to the upside or continue to trend lower and lower over the ensuing weeks and months.

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Warning: This Economic Article Is Not for the Faint of Heart

Never before in American history have we seen such a pitiful, pathetic, and anemic response to challenges and trials. We are truly a society of wimps. Spiritual wimps, devoid of any courage and conviction when it comes to speaking the truth, and milquetoast coelenterates for failing to look past our own materialism to accept the common truth that what we have been doing is simply not sustainable. You and me both. Let’s dig into the undeniable conclusions, shall we? Words: 1331; Charts: 3

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Consumer Indebtedness Leading to Currency Devaluation & Beggar-Thy-Neighbor Economic Policies

The current move up over the past 4 years is being driven by the Fed's loose monetary policies (just as other global markets have been driven by their Central Banks). Most bulls believe the loose polices will stimulate enough consumer demand to lead to a significant U.S. economic recovery. We, however, continue to believe the debt - laden consumer, along with the still other unresolved debt burdens, will be a major drag on the U.S. economy, (we are convinced that the market will turn down and make a triple top at levels below the peaks made in 2000 and 2007 while we resume the secular bear market that started in 2000) and that will have negative affects on the global economy.

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