Friday , 26 July 2024

Tag Archives: stock market crash

A Light-hearted Look At Our Financial World (+3K Views)

We often take things far too seriously when looking at the world of high finance, the global economy and the ins and outs of investing. Lighten up and relax. See the world for what it really is through the eyes (and words) of some individuals who can do just that.

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Is An Economic Collapse of U.S. Possible, Likely or Imminent? (+4K Views)

Much has been written by a variety of analysts on the health of the U.S. economy, its susceptibility to a collapse, and possible/likely/imminent (depending on who the author is) of an impending stock market crash, falling U.S. dollar and future hyperinflation. Below is a cross-section of opinions on the subject to help you get a more enlightened understanding of the factors at play and what influence, if any, they may have on how things unfold.

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What, Me Worry? 7 Facts That Will Free You From the Fear Of A Stock Market Crash

Today's article presents 7 indisputable facts about market crashes, using clear patterns established over decades of data. By understanding these seven facts, you’ll be able to prepare for the recurring seasons of the financial market, including winter, and it will help give you an enormous edge over even many sophisticated and experienced investors.

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Stocks Are In a Bubble By Virtually Every Reasonable Metric

While CNBC and other perma-bulls claim that the stock market is a great investment today, the smart money is already prepping for a disaster. Goldman Sachs has told its clients to “sell at the new high.” Credit Suisse just told its clients stocks “haven’t looked this worrisome since the tech bubble.” They’re correct. Stocks are in a bubble by virtually every reasonable metric.

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