Friday , 26 July 2024

Tag Archives: Social Security

Welcome to the New Retirement Model – NO Retirement! Here’s Why (+4K Views)

Welcome to the new model of retirement. No retirement. In 1983 sixty two percent (62%) of American workers had some kind of defined-benefit plan. Today less than 20% have access to a plan. The majority of retired Americans largely rely on Social Security as their de facto retirement plan [and the 35 and younger cohort are not able to save, or save enough, to eventually retire. True retirement is now a thing of the past except for a privileged few. Let me support this claim.] Words: 1091

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Retirement Age Keeps Going Up – When Will You Retire? (+4K Views)

Just 10 years ago, most Americans felt confident they'd hang up their hat by the time they turned 60. Now the average working stiff expects to retire at age 65 due to the housing crisis and credit crunch, among other nest egg busters....Experts are predicting that the trend will continue, thanks to the Great Recession so, for now, Americans are just focused on keeping their day jobs. When will you retire? Check out the graphic below to find out.

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Social Security: When to Take It & Will it Survive?

Although I have a few years before I am eligible for Social Security, I’m close enough that I am now thinking about three key issues: 1.At what age to start claiming it; 2.Whether it will still be there when I request it; and, regardless of Social Security, much does one need to live on in retirement?

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The Cure to Our Unemployment & Declining Economic Conditions Are Staring Us Right in the Face – Here It Is (+2K Views)

The world has created another debt bubble and we've chosen to kick the can down the road just like Roosevelt did in the ‘30s, and Japan has been doing for the last 20 years. Also, just like in the ‘30s, we are going to get the same result which is persistently high unemployment and generally declining global economic conditions unless drastic steps are taken - and the cure to our problem is staring us right in the face. [ Let me explain.] Words: 760

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FaceTheFactsUSA #9: Think You Know Who Gets Social Security? Think Again – These Facts Will Be A Surprise!

Think you know who gets social security? Think again! 36% of Social Security recipients are not retired workers, but children, the disabled, or spouses and survivors of workers. Almost one of every six Americans receives a Social Security benefit today. To see who benefits, how much they get and how much it matters to them, see today’s infographic. You'll be surprised!

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U.S. Fiscal Situation MUCH Worse Than Government Lets On!

I believe our fiscal situation is much worse than most people realize. True, the situation might be resolvable with a hard-nosed turnaround specialist in charge [Romney?] but, even here, the emphasis is on “might”! In a political context, where citizens have been conditioned to believe they are entitled to live at the expense of government (i.e other citizens because, after all, government has nothing that it first does not take from someone else), the situation is beyond hopeless. Let me address the true economic situation of the U.S. by way of an email I received from a regular reader recently. Words: 615

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